Marriage and Divorce {4}

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It's been months since the girls left their husbands . Initial days were hard for them but they managed to stay strong and stood up on their own feet despite the pains the suffered .

Today was a normal day for everyone . Jisoo , Jennie , Rosé and Lisa were currently in the meeting room . They are now having a meeting for the new project that they are gonna work for .

In just three years , their company became really famous . Their business expanded and gained great success . They were now leading the business industry in South Korea .


"Ahhh today's meeting was so tiring" Lisa fake cried amd plopped down on the couch . "Ikr it's the most tiring meeting I experienced in all these three years" Rosé said and plopped beside Lisa on the couch . The two elders can't help but laugh at the youngers .

"Because this meeting consisted of all new topics" Jennie said reading a file sitting on her chair . "And all the other meetings before were of the same topics as this is new that's why it seemed boring to you" Jisoo said while typing on her laptop sitting on her chair .

Rosé and Lisa can't help but look at the elders with shocked faces as they were still workings even after having a tiring ass meeting . They surely are workaholic . But seeing them working and them resting did made them feel bad . So the two got up and sat on their chairs working until lunch time .

The four stayed in the same room together . There were four cubicles separated with a glass . The room was big enough for a washroom , a couch and four people to stay . They didn't wanted to be separated as the four of them had equal shares here and as they can't stay without each other .


"Ahhhh I'm so hungry" Rosé whined as soon as she was done with her work . "You're always hungry" Lisa teasingly said knowing Rosé is gonna burst out . "Yah I have been working for more than two hours . I don't remember the last time when I ate something today" Rosé complained making Lisa along with the elders laugh .

"You just finished a bag of chips a few minutes ago Rosé" Jennie said packing her bags as it was already lunch time . "Jisoo unnie !! They're teasing me" Rosé whined and pouted at her only source of escape , Jisoo .

Jisoo didn't say anything and just laughed while packing her things too . "Alright enough if teasing . Let's go and eat lunch outside" Jisoo said hoping to put an end in the neverending teasings .

"I feel like eating the whole restaurant" Rosé said after they entered a fancy restaurant as soon as the smell of food entered her nose . "Don't be a cannibal" Lisa teased and moved farther from Rosé acting to be scared .

And their started their small war . Jisoo and Jennie just sighed seeing the youngers . Soon they ordered their food and sat down waiting for it while talking about random things . They didn't reserve any room as they wanted to live simple as possible . The people beside them can't help but admire the four ladies who made their own name by themselves without anyone's help .

Soon their food arrived and they started digging in . "Remembered we used to come here in our university days" Jennie said as she remembered those great times . Everyone agreed but became a little down because they used to come here with some other people who are now out of their lives .

Soon they were done eating and paying bills . They were about to get out of the restaurant when all four of them froze on their spot seeing four people they never in their life wanted to meet again . They could process what was happening and everything around them seemed to stop . Numerous bittersweet memories flashed through them as they saw the people infront of them being frozen too .

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