Unrequited love (Jirosé)

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Jimin and Rosé both know each other since their college days . They share a great bond with each other . Jimin loves Rosé more than anything in the world . But sadly it's a one-sided love . Because Rosé only see him as her friend more like bestfriend .

Rosé already have a boyfriend named Songyue . They have been in a relationship for almost a year . Rosé had a crush on him since her high school days and she was happier than ever when she confessed and he accepted . And about Jimin...well....he have never been in a relationship . Because his heart belonged to Rosé who couldn't understand his feelings towards her . He tried his best to forget her but he just couldn't .

First few month of Rosé's relationship was very good and she was very happy . But slowly things changed . She felt Songyue's actions towards her changed . But she ignored all of those thinking that she is overthinking . She thought she is happy . But was she truly happy or she was just convincing herself that she is happy ??


"What's wrong with you ?" Jimin asked the girl infront of him raising his eyebrows . "Nothing is wrong . What are you talking about ?" Rosé said and looked at him with a nervous look .

"Don't pretend infront of me . Let me guess . Songyue again ignored your calls and messages ??" Jimin said looking at Rosé intently making her more nervous . She knew denying it won't change anything so she slowly nodded her head .

"For Pete's sake Rosé !! How long is it going to be like this ?? It's your birthday today amd he didn't even wish you !!" Jimin exclaimed with anger clearly visible in his expression . "It's okay . Maybe he is just busy . He said he will go to see his dad so maybe he is there" Rosé said but she herself wasn't sure about it .

"How long are you going to convince yourself Rosé ?? How long are you going to lie to yourself and make a fool of yourself ??" Jimin asked and his anger was nowhere to be seen now . Anger was now replaced with concern . It was paining him to see the love of his life in this condition . Rosé didn't say anything and just looked down .

"Whatever forget everything . It's your birthday you shouldn't be sad . I didn't cancel my meetings to see you sad . Now get up let's enjoy" Jimin said and got up from the chair offering his hand to Rosé for her to get up . Rosé looked at him fro sometime and a small smile was placed on her face . She took his hand and got up .

The rest of the day was so much better for Rosé . As she felt happy after a long time . Jimin knew exactly what to do to make her happy and did accordingly .


Jimin was sitting on his office chair while scrolling the photos of him and Rosé . He would do this when he would miss her . He had some free time so he was now seeing their picture .

One particular picture caught his attention . It was a picture from about six years ago . He remembered it was their first ever hangout after being friends . He smiled seeing the photo . He decided to sent it to Rosé .

Meanwhile Rosé was in a date with Songyue . Apparently he asked for a date which she gladly accepted . Right now they're clicking pictures with each other .

Songyue was taking a selfie of both of them together with Rose's phone . He was about to click the photo when Jimin's message popped up in Rosé's phone . He read the message and immediately felt in rage . He looked at Rosé with angry eyes which she looked back confusedly .

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