Runeterra not Gaia?

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Hey guys, so I know what everyone is going to say and yes...I have no idea how this is going to go in terms of how many like it. I'll admit It came to me in a dream and so is said "fuck it" of people like then great I'll appreciate all the support and if not then I'm writing this for me just to get the idea out of my head once and for all. Again I hope everyone enjoys, I for one love K/DA and Final fantasy so I hope I nail the characters as close as possible. I've taken inspiration in other fics when it comes to the personality of each the girls. Anyways enough talk let's get to it!
(This is normal speech)
(This is flashbacks/head speech)

Cloud's POV:

Falling...I was falling of that I was certain there is no way I wasn't falling. Everything around me felt hot as if I was melting and being submerged into a cool yet burning hot lake, I was certain this was the end. I could feel everything and I could hear everything as well, it was loud too loud. I felt myself sink deeper into my unearthly grave and my eyes grew heavy with each passing second.

"CLOUD!" Tifa?


"I'm sorry Cloud I wish I could've done
more. You won't die I refuse to let you die!"

Wait that voice it can't be...Aerith?

"Live my bodyguard you've done enough, live and be free for once. I love you cloud thank you my SOLDIER"

"Wait what do you mean? What's happening to me?" Cloud felt hot he felt as of his body wasn't his own anymore and worst of all he felt a burning liquid fill his lungs making him kick and flail, oxygen he needed. He saw a light and with one las ditch effort to survive he started kicking towards it using all of his last strength and all of his will power he was almost there, as soon as he was close...

*Gasp!* *Cough! cough! cough!"

Cloud lifted his face as quick as possible so he could fill his oxygen deprived lungs with fresh clean air. He almost thought he was a goner. Thank Gaia for his Mako infused anatomy that puddle almost did him in-Wait! Puddle?!

"What the hell?" Cloud look frantically around only to notice he appeared to be in some alley way with only the puddle that was drowning him a few moments ago. This was wrong he knew it, he definitely knew he was with the others at the planets core and this definitely did not look like the planets cores.

"Where am I? This can't be possible!" Cloud was shaken, how does one go from being deep inside a crater to an alley way in Gaia knows where.
Spotting his trustful buster sword he limped towards it and picked it up using it as a crutch due to his wounds that he received while fighting that bastard Sephiroth.

"I have to get out of here. I need to see where in the hell I am, if I'm lucky I'll be able to contact Tifa and the others so cid can pick me up on his high wind." He limped towards what seemed like the end of the alley and towards the light of the streets. As soon as he reached the end he immediately realized that he didn't recognize the area he was in.

"Ok think cloud, maybe this is a city that has never been touched by Shinra, yeah that's got to be it!" Cloud's false provided hope was interrupted when a stranger bumped into him.

"Woah buddy watch it!" The stranger exclaimed. Cloud noticed the stranger had blonde hair, blue eyes and strange markings on his cheek's.

"Sorry I was- that's not important, hey excuse me but what is this City called?" Cloud asked in what he thought was he most calm voice.

"Are you kidding me? Dude everyone knows this is Piltover!" The stranger looked up and down at cloud and took a step back due to noticing his enormous blade. "Hey buddy word of advice I would put that big knife away if I was you. Piltover cops ain't to happy about weapon users nowadays"

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