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Hello my amazing readers here we are again with another chapter. Don't really have much to say other than I'm amazed this story has already mor than a hundred reader's that's incredible honestly. I won't waste to much of the valuable time all of you have, but now we finally get to the most anticipated meeting that I'm sure some of you have been waiting for. Cloud will finally meet K/DA and his interaction with a certain diva will be special, anyways let's get to it this is a long one!

Normal dialogue
"Inner thoughts/flashbacks"

Seraphines POV:


"Man I can't believe it, today is the big day!" Seraphine was bouncing up and down despite it being early in the morning.

"Wish I had the same energy as you" Cloud was sitting on one of the chairs situated at the kitchen counter while sipping on a cup of coffee.

"Oh please how could I not have energy today?" She rolled her eyes at Cloud. "Today is the day we get to meet my idols!"

"I mean it's just a concert no big deal!" Cloud was about to take another sip when Seraphine approached him and took his face in her hands. She closed the space between them and looked directly in his eyes with a cute frown.

"It's not just a concert, it's K/DA Cloud!" she exclaimed in his face while squishing his cheeks.

"Ok, ok I get it can you back off a bit?" Cloud said making Seraphine realize just how close their faces were.

"Wha-oh! I'm so sorry Cloud!" Seraphine blushed madly, she couldn't believe she actually did that. "It's just these are my idols, ever since I heard their first song they inspired me to make music and to one day achieve what they have"

Seraphine couldn't help but smile sadly when she remembered how many people told her she was never going to make it or how many people had laughed in her face for having a childish dream, even her parents didn't fully support her in her endeavor.


"I know it's childish and I know it's wishful thinking but I really love music and I really love their work" Seraphine gave another sad sigh.

"I sometimes wonder why I even try climbing up a ladder that seems broken" Seraphine couldn't help but falter in her dreams sometimes.

"It's not childish at all" Clouds deep voice broke her out of her thoughts.

She saw how his gaze was a bit softer than normal and couldn't help but blush a bit at the intensity his eyes held when looking at her.

"Listen Sera, every dream has a chance to become a reality. It's the moment when you stop pursuing said dream that it stays a fantasy instead of a reality" Cloud kept his gaze firmly on her. "We live in a world where people can conjure magic, where some have animal parts or are simply a different entity all together, do you really think something like wanting to become a singer is impossible?" Cloud Finished with a smirk.

"But...what if I'm not good enough?" Serphines heart thumped painfully at the thought. "What if I'm just a dreaming songstress like the other people I knew would say?"

Seraphine looked down at the floor in contemplation only to immediately look up when she felt her hand being taken by another. She saw Cloud close to her with her hand in his and with a stoic face.

"You are good enough, I've listened to some of your music and I can honestly tell you it's incredible. Don't listen to what others say, you're not a dreamy songstress you're a starry eyed one" she could see how Cloud's ever stoic face slowly formed a small genuine smile.

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