Sharing is Caring

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Back with another chapter, I'm glad I have a bit more time now to upload more than once a week. I'm almost done with the first chapter of my new story, so if you like this one then I hope you'll look forward to that one. Let's get things moving already and dive straight into the chapter, I'm excited for this one.

Evelynn's POV:

Her mind used to be occupied with thoughts relating to her life as an idol, protecting her friends which she considered a family or playing with the hearts of foolish men who thought they ever had a chance with someone like her. Watching them debase themselves for her only for reality to come crashing down on them once they had fulfilled their purpose and for her to dispose of them. Not once had she bowed down to any man or woman, she would have anyone eating out of her hand with just a flutter of her eyes or a small smile in their direction. She had once believed there was no one she could claim, no one until she met a certain blonde haired man that seemed to be allergic to having fun or smiling.

No one had challenged her or given her any sort of retort in fear of suffering her wrath, most of all no one had ever refused her for anything. The day Cloud had refused their offer she had almost believed she was dreaming, as no man in her entire life had ever said that one word to her, much less to four extremely beautiful women. No one in their right mind would ever let such an opportunity escape them, no one but Cloud.

Her mind had been baffled and occupied with thoughts pertaining to him. She had believed it was simply a strategy to make them beg for him, but it turned out he was the most uninterested in them as humanly possible. He was a challenge and she relished in the fact she had someone to finally challenge her. It was refreshing to have someone not stutter around her or bend to her will. Cloud was a unique man and although it was obvious to her that he had many secrets, it didn't deter her, on the contrary it made his charm even more appealing.

When they had spent their day together at the movies she had felt so at peace with him. She had never thought she would ever want a man as much as she wanted Cloud. He was everything that previous men in her life weren't, no one could match the ferocity his eyes would display when protecting them or the kindness and the comprehension his voice would project when talking to them. It was as if she had met a man that was made specifically for her, in a way he was the complete opposite of her and that in of itself was perfect. Since their date she had wanted him even more, and although the other girls also wanted a piece of him she didn't mind she was ok with sharing, all of the oher girls were fine with it as they had discussed it previously, everyone was on board except one person in particular who had no idea of the plan she was cooking up.

There she saw a thin girl with pink hair and a unique star beauty mark on her cheek, playing with her pet cat on the sofa. Such a beautiful woman could captivate any man if she ever wanted to, yet it would seem she only had eyes for one man in particular. Seraphine was the most unique girl she had ever met, cheerful yet not overbearingly so, kind yet not a complete pushover and very ambitious. She somehow would snag all of Clouds attention no matter how many of the other girls were present in the same room, she would even go as far to say that Cloud completely favored her over anyone else, except that wasn't the case as he had time and time again demonstrated the ability to care for all of them equally. A small part of him did show a bit of favoritism towards Seraphine but she chalked it up to them knowing each other the longest as well as having been living together since the beginning.

If there was a certain way to get closer to him it would have to be through her, she wasn't an obstacle but a bridge she would need to cross to get to the other side, the other side being Cloud. Evelynn needed to include her for her plan to work. Five women for one man might seem unrealistic but she and the other three had already decided on it long ago to share one person, for the reason being in the past they had individual relationships which ended horribly. Akalis ex boyfriend being the worst one as he had tried to sleep with famous model Ashe only for her to almost turn him into a human pin cushion, that woman was also a trained master archer.

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