Did you really have to hit my other self?

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Well this chapter took longer than I wanted, sorry to make you all wait. I had trouble in the form of...well I got fired from my job so now I'm currently unemployed. Hopefully I can find a new one, gotta pay those bills and the internet to keep uploading. For now I hope you all enjoy this chapter, I hope the site doesn't take it down as this is the first time I tried writing some explicit content. Either way I don't regret it, you have to branch out sometimes. Enough said, let's start this chapter!

Akali POV 

"Ugh I hate mornings!" She groaned as she slammed her head on the table.

A cup of hot coffee was placed next to her head as she quickly straightened.

"Thanks Sera, you're a real angel!" She grabbed the cup and started to down it only to pull back quickly. "That's hot!" She fanned her mouth.

"What did you expect stupid? It's steaming, meaning it's piping hot!" Ahri said as she rolled her eyes.

"I don't wanna hear that from you, you tried to dip your hand into a cotton candy machine only for your hair to get caught up" Akali smirked as Ahri stiffened.

"Cloud she's being mean to me!" Ahri sniffed and buried her head into his side.

Akali watched as Cloud sighed and she snickered at his reaction. While their plan was working, it looked like he would die of stress before she had her turn.

"Ahri stop picking fights so early" he took a sip of his coffee.

"Would you like some more Cloud?" Sera asked.

"No thanks" she nodded at him and sat back down on his other side.

"You're supposed to be on my side" she pouted.

"I am, but right now you started it" he rolled his eyes.

"Ha!" Akali pointed a finger at her.

"And you stop goading her" he reached across and flicked her finger.

She rubbed her finger and watched as Ahri snickered at her.

"Whatever, so you ready for today Cloud?" She asked as she bounced in her seat.

"Yeah, I'm sure I'm ready and all set" he nodded.

"Did somebody call me?" A gruff voice entered and yawned loudly. "Oh is that coffee I smell?"

"Good morning sett, here have some" Seraphine stood up and poured him a cup of coffee.

"Sweet" he took a gulp and although it was hot it didn't seem to bother him. "Damn that's the good stuff, you really lucked out on her man" he winked at Cloud.

"I know" Akali only gagged at how sugary sweet his response was.

Although she didn't doubt she'd be eating her own words soon. If she had to guess it was the petty feeling of having to wait to be with him.

"Hey what about me?!" Ahri glared at him.

"High maintenance, cry baby, spoiled, needy, queen bee attitude and a total shopaholic...yeah real lucky" Akali watched as Ahri threw a half eaten piece of bread towards Sett. It would have smacked him in the face if he hadn't caught it. "Sweet free food" he bit into it.

"Wha-!?" Akali laughed as Ahri realized her mistake.

"Nice going genius, now you have no breakfast!" Akali clapped her hands as she laughed at her friend's expression.

Cloud sighed and handed her some of his pancakes that Seraphine had made for him.

Ahri immediately perked up and preened.

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