I'm your spirit guide!

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Wow, it's been a long time. I'm sorry for the long hiatus, life can sometimes bombard you with time consuming events. Fortunately it seems like everything has finally calmed down to the point where I can start writing again. I truly wish I could just write as a complete profession but things aren't always that easy. I've also been playing a new game I discovered called the goddess of victory: Nikke, It's incredibly entertaining. Fortunately I have readers that still visit my story and for that I'm grateful as it gives me motivation. With that being said it's great to be back and I hope this chapter was worth the wait for all of you. 

Cloud POV

“Hey Cloud, let's have some fun!” His eyes blinked as he felt the sun burn down on him, he fanned himself to dispel a bit of the heat.

He recognized the beach he was at. It was Costa del Sol. He felt someone tug at his left hand, his eyes widened as he saw who it was.

It was Ahri or at least he thought it was. The person before him had a very similar face although her whisker marks were pink along with her hair color. Her eyes were an odd shade of blue, much different than her ice cold ones. She was also dressed in a white kimono that had cloud designs and blue edges.

“Wha-?” He tried to comprehend how she was here. Costa del Sol was a location in his world. “Ahri?” 

Her head tilted in confusion, he felt off.

“C'mon silly I want to play in the water!” Ahri flashed him a beaming smile.

“But…” his head started to swirl as his scenery changed.

His eyes started to hurt as a light was shining down on him. His eyes adjusted as he realized he was facing a crowd. He was now dressed in a costume performing in front of a large crowd at the Golden Saucer.

“Don't get distracted now” he felt the hot breath of someone tickle his neck.

It was now that he realized the position he was in. He was holding someone in a dip, he looked down and saw it was Ahri with the same pink appearance. She was gazing at him mischievously as she licked she lips in anticipation.

“Such an odd moment” she giggled.

He frowned as he for some reason felt she wasn't supposed to be the one in his arms at the moment. 

“C'mon Cloud everyone is waiting for us to close the act” she whispered closely. “A kiss for saving the damsel is a perfect ending right?” She tried to close the distance only for him to back away.

“No wait!” He closed his eyes and released her. He should have heard the thump of someone hitting the floor yet it never came.

His eyes opened and once again he found himself in a different setting. He was kneeling down picking flowers. This was Aerith’s house, he remembered this particular day.

“These flowers are so pretty, I've never seen yellow lilies in my life!”  It wasn't Aerith's voice.

He should be questioning how she was also here, why she looked like Ahri and who she was. Yet his whole body felt compelled to stay relaxed.

He watched as she carelessly plucked a flower from the soil, that action made him slightly wince.

“Such an insignificant looking thing can hold a lot of value and meaning for others” she stared at him in amusement as she twirled the flower in her hand.

She placed the flower in her hair and struck a cute pose for him. It felt wrong, as if the world around him was trying to reject her.

“You look a bit pale, maybe we should sit” she lifted her hand and snapped her fingers.

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