Your starry-eyed songstress

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Man I loved the feedback on my last chapter, literally I woke up the next day I posted it and I felt as if my motivation had skyrocketed. Hope you enjoy this tiny filler Chapter, just a quick look into Seraphine's thoughts. It takes place a few days before Cloud goes out on a date with Evelynn

"thoughts/ inner monologue"


Seraphine's POV:

Every time she stared at him she felt as if she discovered something new. She had all but memorized his few facial expressions. Many would think he was a jerk or a heartless bastard but not her, never would she think that about him.

Ever since she started living with him her heart would flutter faintly, she chalked it up as a childish crush that would most certainly go away...except it didn't and it only grew even stronger during each passing day. He was a complete mystery, one that little by little she started to unveil. There wasn't a single moment when he wasn't there to pick her up when she was feeling depressed or just couldn't find the motivation to continue her passion for music. He encouraged her to never give up and to never let anyone tell her she wasn't good enough.

Whenever she looked at something she liked he would buy it for her, even though she would feel guilty about him spending it on her she secretly enjoyed the feeling of having a man like him gift her things. She didn't want to be a spoiled girl who would receive everything she wanted, but he made it hard for her since anything her eyes landed on he would ask if she wanted it to which she would deny.

Originally she had feelings for her former coworker Ben but when Cloud arrived it was as if her feelings for him were built upon a weak paper foundation. When it came to Cloud he was just everything Ben wasn't, he was complex when Ben was easy to read, he was supportive when Ben was as well but never to the extent like Cloud was, She cared for Ben but it would never be to the same extent that she had grown to care for Cloud.

It was thanks to Cloud that she was still breathing after being assaulted at her old work place, it was thanks to him that she continued pushing her dream of being a singer forward, it was because of him that she went to a concert and met her idols and lastly it was all thanks to him that she was turning into an idol that would debut along with her favorite artists.

It wasn't all perfect though, she now had to compete for his affection with four other beautiful women, the idols she looked up to no less. It made her feel as if she would never have her chance with him yet no matter how many times they would insinuate something towards him he would just roll his eyes and brush it off. It made her feel terrible for having petty glee at watching the other girls being brushed off or turned down by him, she supposed it was her heart trying to cling onto any chance she had when it came to him.

She also had the ability to listen to the sound a person's soul would make, each was unique and had its own melody. She avoided using that particular ability since she felt it was a violation of another's privacy, yet one day her curiosity got the better of her and she decided to listen to what his soul sounded like. It was horrid, dreadful, as if all the suffering and self loathing was being channeled into a single piece. She would have called it hauntingly beautiful if not for the fact that his soul was in pain and the melody was a clear representation of it.

She promised herself to always be there for him just like he had been there for her, she would do whatever it takes to turn that sad melody into one full of life and joy.

"Uh seraphine you ok?" Cloud asked as he lifted an eyebrow at her. He was currently eating her Foxy charms cereal.

she shook her head and smiled embarrassed at being caught staring at him.

"Yup everything fine Cloud" She smiled joyfully.

"Ok...Don't forget you have to practice with Kai'sa your routine along with the other girls" He said to which she playfully rolled her eyes.

"Always in work mode, even during breakfast" She giggled.

"Someone has to keep some semblance of order around" He said as he took another spoonful of cereal.

"Well technically since im your boss now, im counting on you to keep doing a good job at that" She winked at him.

"Sure Sera" He closed his eyes and lightly smirked.

She got up from her seat and approached him.

"Something you need?" He asked as he looked up towards her from his seat in confusion.

"Nope just wanted to say thank you for everything you've done for me" In a swift and quick motion she bent down towards him and kissed his cheek gently. "I gotta go and get ready for practice, later Cloud" She left a wide eyed cloud who had comically dropped his spoon out of shock.

In her head she only had one thought and one goal.

"Just watch Cloud, your starry-eyed songstress will turn that painful song into a beautiful melody!"


Hope you enjoyed this chapter, it isn't that much of an important one but i think i've neglected Seraphine a bit when it comes to the other girls. I wanted to make this chapter as an insight towards her current thoughts about Cloud since she's just as important as the other girls. I'll soon upload the next chapter in this story and before I go, I want you guys to know that I've finished writing the first chapter for my new crossover story between K/DA and terminator the sarah connor chronicles to be more specific, I'll be uploading it soon so with that out of the way i'll see you all in the next chapter of:

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