It's not just a ticket!

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Hey guys, wow 70 views overall in this story, that's amazing! I literally love the fact that I woke up and I see a big number of people actually read 3 chapters of this, that's something I truly appreciate. Anyways I tried to write but unfortunately since my next semester at my university started I had to take a bit of a break when it came to writing but I'm back and I'll try to have a decent upload schedule. Well that's honestly all let's get into this chapter now.

Kai'sa POV:


A hand came down silencing the alarm that was making that dreaded noise. Waking up with a soft yawn Kai'sa looked around and was happy to see her familiar room stuffed with posters relating to her K-pop group and other dance related things.

With a light stretch she got up from her bed and headed straight for the gym integrated in her home.

"A light workout should be enough for today" she mumbled.

Usually her routines were light stretches, a few minutes on the tread mill. She would've done a bit more but she was honestly still tired from traveling around almost the entire world.

Having finished her morning routine she took a light shower, brushed her teeth and headed into the kitchen to cook up a fulfilling breakfast for everyone. Normally any other group of girls would need a special kind of diet but she and her friends were anything but normal, besides none of them really knew how to cook and Akali...well she would fight anyone who argued that cup noodles aren't food.

Looking into the pantry she grabbed the necessary ingredients to make pancakes, fried eggs and bacon along with some small biscuits since those are Evelynn's favorites.

Kai'sa heard a soft yawn coming from behind her.

"Morning Bokkie" the indistinguishable voice of Ahri was heard.

"Good morning Ahri, breakfast will be ready soon" kai'sa said never breaking her concentration she had on making the food.

"Oh I know Kai, my nose could smell that delicious cook of yours from miles away" Ahri said with a slight drool.

"Oh you. Hey can you wake up the rest please?" Kai'sa asked.

"No need dear, just like Ahri I could smell the scent of these delicious biscuits" The voice of Evelynn sounded from behind Kai'sa making her jump in surprise.

"Eve could you please no do that!" Kai'sa said with a nervous voice.

"Sorry dear I couldn't help it" Evelynn chuckled lightly.

"What's with all this noise?!" The Annoyed voice of Akali was heard.

"Morning to you too Kali" Ahri giggled at her friends disheveled look.

"Whatcha making Kai?" Akali asked.

"Just a bit of eggs with pancakes, bacon and biscuits" kai'sa said returning her attention to the food on the stove.

"What no ramen?!" Akali asked disappointed.


"Akali you and I both know ramen isn't healthy twenty for seven" Ahri said with a deadpan look.

"Bullshit! Of course it's healthy you guys just have week bodies" Akali refuted.

"Sure if you count the high levels of fat and the calories, then yes it's totally healthy" Evelynn snarked.

"So what? It's not like we can get fat" Akali pouted annoyed.

"Well of course we can't get fat, but we can still get a heart attack especially you since your human dear" Ahri smirked at Akali who just pouted even more.

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