A pack Chocobo?

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Hello my ever growing readers, I'm so grateful that some of you decided to read the first two chapters that means my story actually manages to capture the attention of those skimming through the many better and awesome story's on this site. I appreciate the time each of you take out of your lives to give this story a chance, but anyways enough of this let's start...now!
"Flashback/inner thoughts)
"Normal speech "

Cloud's POV:

"I seriously can't believe the type of cereal this world has" Cloud muttered to himself while shoveling a spoon full of what seemed to be a colorful type of cereal.

As far as he could remember the cereal of his old world was pretty bland and didn't have that much variety. If there was one benefit of being stuck in this world it was the food variety for him.


He heard an incredibly long yawn come from behind him, he already knew who it was.

"Morning Cloudy" Seraphine greeted him with that nickname that never failed to make him cringe. "Is there anymore of that left?" She gestured to his bowl.

Swallowing what he had in his mouth he looked at her and couldn't help but give a tiny laugh at her very disheveled morning look, it was...cute in a way.

"Yeah there's still a lot left, and by the way I already fed Bao" Cloud nudged his head towards the cat Seraphine owned. It was still eating it's canned food

"Oh thanks Cloud!" He watched as she grabbed a bowl from her dish rack and then tried to reach for the cereal she kept in one of the top kitchen cupboard's. She couldn't quite reach it which made cloud slightly smirk.

"Here let me help, it's my fault I left it a bit too out of reach for you" Cloud got up his seat and approached Seraphine from behind. He reached for the cereal box and in doing so pressed up against Seraphine making her slightly squeak. "Here, sorry about that I'll leave it closer next time" with that he returned to his seat and resumed eating.

"Th-thank you Cloud" She stammered out and had a faint blush making cloud raise an eyebrow and then shrugg his shoulders in dismissal.

"So any plans for today?" Cloud asked.

"Well actually I do have plans" Seraphine proclaimed. "You see I actually want to visit that new mall that just opened up last week, and since yesterday was payday I want to see if I can buy a few things" she smiled sweetly at him.

"Oh...well have fun" Cloud noticed her pouting at him. "What?" Was his intelligent question.

"Don't you want to come with me?" She asked.

"Not really" Cloud answered making her pout even more.

"Well to bad, you!" She pointed a finger directly in his face. "Are coming with me. I need someone to help carry my things"


"Fine, I don't really mind accompanying you Sera" he finished eating the last bits of his cereal and drank the rest of the flavored milk. "So when are we going?" He asked.

"We're going after I finish my breakfast" she hadn't even filled her bowl with the cereal yet. "You in the meantime should shower, wouldn't wanna go out smelling like death" In actuality he always smelled very good but that wasn't something she wouldn't ever say to his face.

Cloud rolled his eyes. He just got up and headed to his room which Seraphine gave him. He proceeded to pick out his clothes for the day and headed into the shower.

"That feels nice" Cloud thought as warm water hit his body. Back in the slums of Midgar hot water was a luxury and even then the water that came out was slightly brown and not all that clear.

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