The Phone Call

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Hi Reader this is my first story, I really hope you like it and happy reading xx Enjoy 😉

Some background info :)
You had a very bad childhood, growing up you were treated like shit. Mum and Dad were extremely mentally and physically abusive, because they had both come from traumatic past's themselves. They used you and your brother Thomas to let there sadness and anger out. And It clearly showed through the bruises that were marked onto your
small body

When he was of age, Thomas escaped the prison of a home you had grown up in, to start a new chapter in his life. But before he left he promised you he would come back for you when he was on a steady path and could take care of you.

In your free time you would dance and sing in your room and upload videos, and you are really good at it 😊

The story starts here :) (Hold on because it starts rough)

8:54 pm

Y/N : OMG ! I'm so sick of this, why do you view me as such a burden (you clench your fits in rage and sadness)

Mum : You are such a desperate and know it all bitch y/n! Why do you have to constantly piss us off (she looks at your dad then back at you)

Y/N : What did I do to deserve this ! Why are you calling me desperate ! (Some tears come down your face and including your mascara)

Dad : We provided everything for you y/n ! We made a mistake keeping you in this family, (he says angrily)

Mum : Get your things and leave ! (She pointed straight towards the door)


Y/N POV : I ran upstairs and headed straight for my room, I grabbed a giant duffle bag from under my bed and started shoving all my essentials into the bag, I ripped my clothes off the hangers and stuffed all my makeup and toiletries into a pocket on the side of the bag. Once I had finished packing I slammed open my bedroom door and rushed though with my stuff, ran down the stairs and headed towards the front door.

End of POV

Mum : Don't come crying back to us when you have no place to stay ! (She screams)
Dad : I hope you get hit by a car on the way out ! (He Shouts)

Y/N POV : I didn't even reply to them, instead I just looked at them with my puffed up eyes and wet mascara down the side of both my cheeks and started bawling my eyes out.

Without hesitation I flipped them both off and ran past the door not bothering to shut it and rushed down the drive way onto the side walk.

End of POV

(You call Thomas)
Y/N : Thomas please help !
(Thomas picks up)
Thomas : Y/N what's wrong ! Talk to me!
Y/N : I've had enough, I just left the house for good, everything that was built up inside of me all came out of me and now I have nowhere to go (You said while sobbing a little)
Thomas: Where are you, send me where your at right now ! me and Mia will come pick you up
Y/N : Thank you so much (you said relieved)

10:00 pm

Thomas : Y/N is that you !
He ran up to me and started crying. He immediately wrapped his arms around me and started apologising.
Thomas : I'm so sorry y/n are you hurt ? 🥺 are u ok ?
Y/N : I'm not hurt don't worry and I'm fine and to be honest I'm feeling a lot better now I'm out of that hell house. (I wiped away my dried tears)
Thomas let go and immediately after Mia grabbed me into a tight hug
Mia : How is my girl doing are you ok ? Tell me if you need anything
Y/N : I'm doing better now that you guys are here, I'm just tired

Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now