Comfort for a lover

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Jacob for the first time in months burst into tears and ran upstairs to his room and slammed the door shut.......

You all walked out the room into the entrance

To noise of the door echoed around the hall and all the boys looked disappointed, Thomas and the girls just stood there guilty........

Bryce : Damn Y/N just why u know
Y/N : I really didn't think he would believe me 🥺
Kristian : Y/N can I chat to you for a second, just over there

He pointed towards the large couch

Y/N : Um Yh sure
Thomas : This was my fault, I was my idea
Mia : But it was our fault
Paige : We got the test
Tabi : And we all acted worried about Y/N
Y/N : We took this way to ducking far dude

You crouched down to the ground and your hands cupped your cheeks

Y/N : I have no idea how I'm gunna approach this
Mia : Wait until dinner then we can all apologise
Jake : All ?!
Mia : Ok we get it not you ok
Thomas : Jack, Bryce, Jake, Kristian, Ace I sorry
Y/N : Me too
Mia : Yh me three
Tabi and Paige : Yh um sorry 😔
Jack : It's not us you should be apologising to
Y/N : True I'll go talk to him
Kristian : Y/N just one sec ok
Y/N : Oh Yh sorry

You and Kristian walked to the living room and sat down on the couch

Back in the entrance

Ace : Let's all just chill out for an hour we're all ima mood rn
Thomas : Guys just do whatever I'm gunna process this
Mia : I need a fucking coffee dude 😣
Paige : Count me in 😓
Tabi : Me too 😩
Mia : Y/N u want anything
Y/N : Um nah I'm good but can u grab Jacob a iced latte
Mia : Sure hopefully that can calm and numb the pain 😔
Y/N : Exactly 🙁

The girls left and Kristian started talking

Kristian : Ever since the breezy boys, whenever we would have deep shit chats that usually went nowhere, Jacob would always mention his love for kids
Y/N : Really ?
Kristian : Mhm, As you know Jacob had a really rough childhood with his father, he would worry everyday because he didn't want to end up like his dad, His serotonin came from when my baby ate sister would come and see me
Y/N : Aww 🥺
Kristian : He would pick them up, give them tickles play games, especially hide and seek but the didn't really work cuz his height, ma dudes like a fucking building
Y/N : Like my man built different
Kristian : Mhm but that's besides the point
Y/N : Mhm
Kristian : I have a some photos from about a year ago that I was able to snap without him knowing and I think you need to see this

Kristian scrolled through his phone and tapped on a photo..........

You looked down at the phone to see Kristian's baby sister with Jacob your eyes melted looking at the two of them

You looked down at the phone to see Kristian's baby sister with Jacob your eyes melted looking at the two of them

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Kristian : She loves him idk why but he goes from an emo tall guy to a total softie loving father figureY/N : Omg Kristian 🥹 these are beautiful, how ?Kristian : See how this affects him so muchY/N : I feel terrible 😣 Kristian : My advice, wait ...

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Kristian : She loves him idk why but he goes from an emo tall guy to a total softie loving father figure
Y/N : Omg Kristian 🥹 these are beautiful, how ?
Kristian : See how this affects him so much
Y/N : I feel terrible 😣
Kristian : My advice, wait till the girls get back home with his coffee, grab a sweater that smells of you
Y/N : Ok ?
Kristian : What your gunna do is knock on his door once and leave the stuff outside his door and just left his grab it on his own time, Maybe write a small heart felt letter to him hopefully that will cheer him up
Y/N : You are a literal older brother to me Kristian thank you so much
Kristian : Always here when you need me ☺️

You scooted over and gave him a hug

Kristian : Ok now go and grab some paper and just write a short loving letter that will go cheer him up

You got up

Y/N : You are a life saver
Kristian : Thanks for the compliment


Ilysm u guys, so sorry for the delay I have been having exams recently and they are soooo much work I'll try my best to please you all and upload some more chapters xxxx 🤍🤍🤍

Ilysm u guys see u soon Tori xx


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