Wake up baby xx

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6:00 am

Jacob's POV : I Woke up not being able to breath, when I remembered she fell asleep on me, she's to cute I can't......I woke up early today to go on my usual morning run but looks like it's going to be super difficult to get out of bed today 😂 ...... I tried to move her off of me but it was like she was glued to my stomach......

End of POV

Jacob : Hey (he whispered into your ear with his raspy morning voice)

You still asleep 😴 lol

Jacob : Pstttttt Baby

He stroked your back up and down and kissed the top of your head

You slowly wake up to his kisses but your to tired to even speak

Y/N : Hmmm 😪
Jacob : Morning sleepy head 😂

You wrapped your arms around his head and rest your head on his chest

Jacob : 😂 I'm so sorry to do this but I gunna need you to move (he said while patting your head)
Y/N : Nope
Jacob : You have to
Y/N : Nah 😪
Jacob : I need to get up 😂 I'm going out (he said as he tried to unstick you from him 😂)

You moan

Y/N : Where are you going 🥺
Jacob : On a run
Y/N : No need your already ripped enough and you have eaten zero calories so there's no point 😌
Jacob : 😂😂😂
Y/N : Your not going anywhere just yet

You tighten your grip

Jacob : Fine half and hour and that's it but can you still get off me for a sec my stomach needs a break 🤨😂

Y/N : Fine 🥺 just go on your stupid run

You get off him and scoot to the other end of the bed and turn away from him

Jacob : Baby
Y/N : Don't call me baby 🥺
Jacob : Oh hell nah you are not doing this

He comes up behind you and big spoons you and rests his head into the back of your neck

Y/N : Now you want cuddles 🤨
Jacob : Omg I couldn't breath baby 😂😂😂 don't pin this on me
Y/N : Sooooo if your going to call me that am I now your........
Jacob : My what ???
Y/N : Your girlfriend ???
Jacob : Isn't it obvious baby like I said last night your mine 😌
Y/N : Ok I'll allow you to call me baby I guess 😌
Jacob : Thanks Baby

You both giggle 🤭

This is only short and sweet xx 🤍 Please feel free to comment any ideas you have for future chapters xx ILY xx

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