Shock to the system

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You and Jacob cuddled for about an hour and Mia realized she hadn't seen you two and Thomas was still wondering what you wanted to eat since it was so late at night........

Mia walks back into the entrance of the house

Mia : Hey guys are........

She looked at both of you asleep and cuddling, she walked over to take a closer look and saw Jacob fell asleep while crying.......

Thomas : Hey babe you alright ?
Mia : Shhhhhhhhushh

Thomas looks over......

Thomas : Oh sorry um so are they gunna eat
Mia : Give them a moment it's been a hella rough night for both of them and the rest of us tbh

They both start walking to the kitchen and mia sat down on the edge of the island and Thomas grabbed a bag of chips......

Thomas : Good call, we just have to make sure Y/N eats something tomorrow ok, I don't want her going hungry
Mia : Sounds good I mean she hasn't eaten since brunch, I just don't know what to do tho ?
Thomas : What do you mean
Mia : They can't go to bed there I mean Y/N would die of aches and pains A from the trauma on her body tonight and B from Jacob literally LYING ON TOP OF HER (she whispered but shouted)
Thomas : I'll wake Jacob up and we will somehow take Y/N upstairs to her room she needs rest

Mia walks over to the two of you again and nudges Jacob on the arm......

Mia : Slendie wake up
Jacob : Mmm (He mumbled)
Mia : Jacob 😠
Jacob : Huh 😓
Mia : Get up please your literally ontop of your girlfriend who can barely walk
Jacob : Crap 😬

He gets up without disturbing you and wiped away his dried tears.......

Mia : She told you didn't she
Jacob : Only a bit I mean I made her stop because it was very triggering 😔
Mia : I feel so bad for her 🥺

Thomas walks over let's get her to bed

Jacob lifts you up very carefully and Thomas follows him up the stairs as he was carrying you

Mia : Carefully Jacob please
Jacob : I've got her don't worry
Y/N : (Mumbled) hmm ouch
Jacob : You ok baby
Y/N : I'm ok don't worry ok 😓
Jacob : Let's get you to bed
Y/N : Please 😮‍💨
Thomas : Y/N you ok sis ?

Thomas opens your room door and Jacob carefully placed you on-top of the bed

Y/N : My whole body is um........ow
Mia : Hey Y/N where are your makeup wipes let's get this off your face
Y/N : There in the draw and thank you Mia
Mia : Np sis anything for you ok everyone is here for you
Y/N : I know what happened ok
Thomas : Wait what
Mia : Huh
Thomas : I thought the concussion got to you
Mia : 😥 Why didn't you tell us 🥺
Y/N : Cuz I didn't want people to worry bout me ok 😔
Jacob : Baby you need to get things of your chest ok it's not good ok your mental health to keep it in
Mia : Jacob's right ok
Y/N : 😔 Ik
Thomas : Don't feel guilty peep ok you did nothing wrong ok, please rest and we will talk about this tomorrow
Y/N : Ok
Mia : Can you guys step out for one sec please
Jacob : Sure

He looks at you with pure guilt, he hated seeing you like this you looked at him

Y/N : Babe I'll chat in a sec ok

Jacob nodded and left with Thomas.......

Mia : You are the strongest person I know, besides Jacob
Y/N : 😂😅 thank you ?
Mia : Your welcome 😌
Y/N : To be honest although I'm in pain rn I'm feeling ok
Mia : HOW ?!
Y/N : I'm home and I feel safe also because there is nothing I haven't experienced now and I'm ready to face the world, why do I have to live in fear when I have so much to enjoy in my life ☺️🤍
Mia : You are so inspirational 🥺
Y/N : Ty xx
Mia : Ima get those makeup wipes
Y/N : Please

Mia ended up sitting next to you and took off your makeup and even did your skincare, you guys gossiped and gossiped about everything 🤍 you gave each other advice and you started feeling a lot better

Mia : I'm really proud of where you have come Y/N
Y/N : You just have to push through ☺️
Mia : I'll give you some time to rest ok
Y/N : Can you call Jacob I want to talk to him
Mia : Sure

Mia left and went back downstairs but when she got there her eyes met with a horror........

Everyone was there but you

Including an unwelcome guest.........

Hope u enjoyed xx 🤍🤍🤍 mini face reveal YES or NO tell me in the comments xx Ilysm more coming soon

Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now