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You yourself got changed into a Spider suit and joined Mia, Thomas, Kristian and Jacob in one car.....Tabi, Jake, Bryce, Ace, Jackson and Paige in another.....You all drove to target

You took out a vlog camera

Y/N : Ok for the people watching this I currently have no freaking idea what I'm doing.....🙄😂💅😌

You lift the camera above your head to show the whole gang wearing the spider costumes

Y/N : Other then being the most embarrassing thing I have no idea why I'm doing this 😅

Jacob comes up next to you

Jacob : The shit we do for you guys is crazy 🙄

You all walk into target and you walk in like your on a runway 💅😌

Y/N : 😂😂😂 Let do this thang !
Jacob : Baby stopp it's embarrassing
Y/N : That's the whole point, so enjoy it
Jacob : Why do I agree to these stupid things
Y/N : 😂😂😂

Jacob walks off all embarrassed and you piss yourself with laughter you accidentally trip over but you continue laughing 😂

Y/N : Fuck 😂😂😂

Mia grabbed the camera off you and videoed you on the ground

Kristian : Hey Y/N !
Y/N : 😂 what

He comes up to you and picks you up puts you on his shoulders

Y/N : Kristian what the hell
Kristian : Kristian Saves The Day !

Everyone : Ayyyyyyy 😂😂😂

Y/N : Put me down !!!!!😂😂😂

Jacob heard you and looks at you smiling while on Kristian's shoulders
He immediately looks jealous but tries not to over react 🤨

Y/N : Kristian seriously I'm gunna fall !!!!!
Kristian : Nahhhh

He starts running down each with you on his shoulders and everyone chases after you 😂😂😂 except Jacob who at this point is mad........

Kristian heads to a living room display and throws you onto a couch

Kristian : And she is back to safety 😌
Everyone except Jacob : 😂😂😂

Jacob comes up to you while your still laughing......

Jacob : Hey wtf was that
Y/N : What do you mean he was just being funny 🤭😅
Jacob : He picked you up onto his shoulders !
Y/N : Yh so what friends do that Jacob just stop being jealous 🙄
Jacob : Wtf I'm done
Y/N : What the hell have I done we were just having fun, seriously stop ruining the vibe, it's just for content
Jacob : Doesn't mean he get to pick you up like that 😡
Y/N : Jeez have you got anger issues or are you just super jealous huh, explain that to me 😒😐

Jacob can't speak

Y/N : See your just jealous get over it ok I'm not doing anything wrong here

He storms off outside

Y/N : Let him calm down he's being a prick ok
Kristian: It's my fault 😕
Y/N : No Kristian you haven't done anything wrong ok he's just jealous it will blow off

Jacob POV : Aghhhhhh (he kicks the target ball) wtf is wrong with me am I seriously that jealous, I don't know at this point 😔 I overreacted badly shit.......she right it was only friendly banta but she seemed so happy and she laughed with that cute smile of hers even I can't make her like that 🥺

End of POV

In the car.......

Y/N : That was fun 😅
Kristian : Yea really 😅🤭

Jacob looks out the window then scrolls through his phone disassociating from the conversation

Thomas : It was really funny to watch 😅
Mia : Y/N isn't the best to be around when your in public 😂 she will just embarrass you 😂

You look at Jacob and he completely ignored you......
Without saying anything you put your hand on his knee and just continue your conversation......surprisingly although he's mad he didn't stop you from doing it......some of the steam has blown off

Your Thought 💭 : He's probably realised his wrong

Back home.......You all got out the car and Jacob walks past you but touched your shoulder in a way to show everyone he's calmed down a bit but he doesn't talk to you........

Mia : He was definitely jealous
Y/N : I see that 😐 I'll check on him later but to be honest I've done nothing wrong so we will see
Mia : wanna have a girl chat after we change out of these shitty suits 😅
Y/N : I'd love to 😂

You head back to your room and change into a new out fit cuz why not

You head back to your room and change into a new out fit cuz why not

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Texts Mia 🤍

Y/N : Meet in my room in 5
Mia : xx 🤍

Next chapter coming soon xx 🤍

Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now