After Argument xx

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Jacob stares straight into your eyes crying........

Jacob : FUCK MY LIFE AGHHHH why am I such an ass hole !

He walks out the room and locks himself into the bathroom.......

Everyone's jaws were on the floor especially Thomas

Thomas : WTF was that !

You dropped to your knees in confusion and guilt Kristian and Thomas immediately ran up to you......

Thomas : Y/N what happened ?
Kristian : Bit early mate let her cool off pls

You hyperventilate with confusion

Y/N : This is my fault, I just didn't expect him to blow up like that !
Kristian : He feels guilty, let him calm down and maybe you two need some alone time later

You suddenly hug Kristian......He's surprised but hugs you back

Y/N : Thank you so much
Kristian : Don't worry ok, but this has just resolved the scene that has happened between you two

Mia walks up......

Mia : Babes at least you know you both like each other this can be resolved like Kristian said, it will be fine don't worry xx

She hugs you as well

Y/N : I'll have a chat to him later, screw the other  boy Paige

You look up at her

Paige : I agree let's stay here and just chill cuz that was a rollercoaster

It was 11:30 pm and Jacob had locked himself into his room for the whole had changed into you pj's and got unready for the night, you took off your makeup and put you mr hair into a cute messy bun

you had changed into you pj's and got unready for the night, you took off your makeup and put you mr hair into a cute messy bun

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Your POV : I better go chat with him.......I walked upstairs and headed to Jacob's room.......You take a deep breath and open the door and you see Jacob curled up in bed covered in the covers facing away from the door.......

End of POV

Jacob : Whoever it is go suck a dick, piss off and kick rocks
Y/N : Let me talk to you please 🥺
Jacob : I really don't want to
Y/N : I'm not leaving until you look at me and hear what I need to say ok

Jacob ignored you and stayed under the covers

You walked you to the bed and sat down next to him with your back lying on the headboard and you tuck your legs under the covers

Jacob : Please not now leave me alone

He sniffs, he had obviously been crying 😢

You put your hand on his back and started rubbing it up and down comforting him......You sigh

Y/N : Jacob um I


Y/N : I like you too, but like I love you

Jacob Thought 💭 : huh

Jacob pulls the covers off his face......

Jacob : Wait what
Y/N : I'm so sorry, to be honest I thought you weren't interested in me

You scratch your head

Jacob : I'm so sorry I over reacted I made you look like shit and I'm feeling shitty towards myself because of it
Y/N : Your fine Jacob all I ask from that you forgive me for not getting the hint from you, I just hope we can resolve things between us ?
Jacob : I forgive you and I'm so sorry for the way I ignored you I'm such a idiot

He rubbed his hand on his forehead

Y/N : A cute idiot tho ☺️

Jacob blushes

Y/N : Night slendie I'm going to bed, see you in the morning ok

You start to climb out of his bed but you feel a large soft hand wrap around you wrist......You feel him pulling you under the covers, He turns around to face you and cups your face in his hand.......

Jacob : How bout you stay in here tonight
Y/N : Fine 🙄😂
Jacob : This is going to make me sound like a total simp but I've had feelings for you since the moment I laid eyes on you
Y/N : Your too cute really
Jacob : I'm only for you ok

You blush and sigh in relief that the heat has burnt off......You look straight into his eyes with lust

Jacob : What's up.......

You interrupt what he was saying............You get on top of him and kiss him !!!!!!🤍🤍🤍 he immediately wraps one of his arms around your waist and puts one hand onto the back of your neck.......He starts to lead the kiss and it's the best feeling, Everything stops and Everything feels right........
Jacob pulls away and he rests his forehead on yours......

Jacob : You really are somebody 😂
Y/N : I know 😂
Jacob : Your mine now Baby 😉

Your Thought 💭 : OMG the word baby left his lips and circled my brain......

Jacob : I love you ok and I'm not giving up on us
Y/N : I love you too ☺️
Jacob : Now where were we 😏

Jacob cupped your face and pushed his lips into your again 🤍🤍🤍 and this time it felt 10 times better.......he kissed you so passionately it was timeless......after sometime passes you pull away and tuck your head into his neck......

Jacob : Are you tired hon

Your Thought 💭 : Ahhhh the nicknames are killing me hes tooo perfect !

You don't talk and just nod your head

Jacob wrapped both his arms Around you and kissed you cheek

Jacob : We will continue this in the morning, night baby (he whispered)

Soooo how was the chapter tell me in the comments and please follow me if you liked the story so far xx
Love you bestie and I'll update when I can 🤍🤍🤍

Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now