After a Shit night

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I had a lot of fun writing this chapter its really cute xx 🤍🤍🤍

Enjoy !

Thomas guided the rest of the members into his office........

He put in the code and the door opened up again......

Kristian : Yooooooo 😱
Bryce : Sheesh Thomas since when 😨
Ace : Whaaaaa 😳
Jacob : Jeez dude 😳
Thomas : The girls should be in here

He escorted all the boys into the basement and they found you all

Jackson: Holy crap
Jake : Mia why did you never tell anyone about this 😳

They had only just walked through the door and didn't realize the state you were in


Y/N's Thought : I was sat there by the cctv looking at what was happening upstairs, "is this real life ?!"

What did I do to deserve this 😣

The nerves piled up on my heart, a small burning sensation builded

End of POV

Mia looked up at them with a worried look

Mia : Guys not right now please, react later Y/N needs a bit of attention rn

They all looked over and saw your head resting on top of Paige's lap

You had all chilled on the couch because you didn't know how to pass the time.........

With of the stress that was built up, you just needed to rest

Jacob : Baby are you ok ? 😔

He went over next to you

You looked up and Paige moved out the way so that Jacob could comfort you at the end of the couch

Paige : I'll give you two some space ☺️
Jacob : Thank you Paige
Paige : Np, just please Jacob look after her well for me ☺️
Jacob : I'm all hugs 😅
Paige : That's good

As she stood up she addressed everyone........

Paige : Brave work back there guys, usually we're quite dumb, immature and stupid at times but it's thank you to you guys for our safety.........we're all grateful, aren't we ladies ?

Tabi : That sort of serious business is nothing to joke about, I'm really grateful 🥹 thank you
Thomas : Of course I mean it's our duty to protect the ladies
Bryce : It's mainly thanks to Thomas and Jacob
Jacob : We all helped ok, but for now can we not talk about it, it's triggering 😕
Y/N : I agree but thank you boys, I was scared for my life quite literally 😔
Jacob : Your ok Baby

Jacob took off his wet hoodie and tossed it over by the rug, the basement was fairly cold so Jacob grabbed a giant throw blanket from the edge of the couch and wrapped it around his warm and muscled body and signaled you to come in and join him.......

Paige went over to the other side of the couch and sat comfy with Jackson ☺️

Thomas sat down and placed Mia on his lap, Mia still in panic, Thomas gave her a kiss and wrapped his arms around her for reassurance......

Kristian, Jake sat next to Tabitha and so did Bryce.......

Tabi was cold, Kristian offered a hug to her kindly and she warmed up in his arms

Bryce and Jake both super tired started shutting down, and they both fell into a nap

Everyone got comfy on the giant sofa and chilled out..........

You sat down in Jacob's lap and he wrapped the blanket around the both of you, he tightly but gently rested his arms around you with the blanket and you tucked your head into his neck.........

You heard a calm sigh leave Jacob's lips as he rested his head on the top of yours

You noticed Jacob's breathing was irregular, like he was nervous, you could tell he was trying to cover it up but you knew your baby to well

You lifted up one of your arms and placed your hand onto his slightly damp head and brushed back his hair in a gentle motion.........

Jacob : Thank you baby
Y/N : Something is up with you, you can tell me anything you know ☺️
Jacob : I'm just trying to calm down, you head rubs are perfect like you

That little comment warmed your heart 🤍🤍🤍

Y/N : I can't thank you enough for tonight, you really scared me though
Jacob : Anything to protect you, your the only thing that has really given an excuse to keep going........
Y/N : Really aww 🥰

Jacob Whispered into your ear : We've been through some real deep shit 😔

He seemed agitated

Y/N : It will be ok baby I promise, things will get better........

Jacob's POV : This girl I love is a miracle 🥰, with all the shit she's been through and yet she still has the kindness and soul of an Angel and puts others first before her own needs, this is why I love her.........

End of POV

Jacob : I love you ok 🤍🤍🤍
Y/N : I love you too 🤍🤍🤍
Jacob : Look at me

He said softly and he gently lifted up your head

Y/N : What's up (you whispered softly) 🤍

He didn't reply and just kissed your cheek softly and secondly moving onto your lips

He lead a soft yet passionate kiss which seemed to last

Thomas and Mia saw the two of you 🤍🤍🤍

Thomas : I really believe I can trust him, he treats her so well, as a brother is really heartwarming to see ☺️
Mia : There made for each other ☺️, she loves him so much
Thomas : And he loves her
Mia : And I love you 😊

She looks straight into Thomas's eyes and giggles slightly, and then wrapped her arms around his neck giving him a kiss............

Everyone could breathe a sigh of relief

Pt 2 coming soon 🤍🤍🤍

Tell me if your enjoying it so far xx 🤍

Ilysm from Tori xx 🤍🤍🤍

Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now