Lost Memory xx

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Paige, Mia and Tabi stood by your bedside while a nurse tended to your needs.......

Y/N : I have a pounding headache, what happened 😣
Mia : We will explain when your a bit more stable ok baby
Tabi : Y/N I'm glad right now you don't know what happened ok
Paige : Traumatizing it was 🙁
Y/N : What's wrong with me 🥺
Nurse : You have got a minor concussion but you are very fortunate to have not broken anything, there will be some major bruising on the points that had contact but I'm happy to say after a couple rest days the pain should ease
Paige : Thank god for that
Y/N : I'm relieved although I have no idea what happened
Nurse : I will have to check your balance so girls can you help Y/N stabilize herself, please may you stand up hon
Y/N : I'll try my best

You gradually dangled your legs over the bed and Tabi, Mia and Paige were there for assistance......you stepped into both legs and luckily you were able to stand up......

Y/N : It hurts a bit but I'm glad I can stand
Tabi : Thank god
Nurse : Can you take a couple steps forward for me if you can sweetheart I just need to check your hips are stable

You held onto Tabitha's arm and started walking although it hurt there was no present injury

Y/N : Ah that stings but I'm happy
Nurse : You are very fortunate and you will be able to go home today
Y/N : Thank god
Nurse : You will just need someone to help you into bed for a couple of nights and help assist you to walk, is there anyone that can help you with that
Y/N : I'll get my boyfriend to help thanks ☺️

(Saying that just warms your heart)

Nurse : Perfect I will say though no sexual activity please you don't want to risk anything ok
Y/N : I completely understand
Mia : That's going to be hard for Jacob 😂
Paige : Ooof Yh
Nurse : Is he your boyfriend 😂
Tabi : Yep 😂

Jacob and the boys walk in

Jacob : Did I hear someone say my name, where is she
Mia : Thank god your here 😫

(She walks over the them for a private chat)

Y/N is going to be fine she has a minor concussion so she has no recollection of what has happened tonight so leave it a couple days please because I know how traumatized we were I just have no idea how she must have felt in that moment

Thomas : I'm glad she's ok though baby
Jacob : Can I see her please 🥺
Mia : Go ahead J easy on her ok she's very fragile rn
Jacob : I'll be careful

Jacob : BABY ARE YOU OK ?!
Y/N : Hi babe I missed you

Nurse : Maybe we should give these two a second
Y/N : Thank you

The nurse nodded and Paige and Tabitha joined Mia and the boys out side the room out into the corridor........

Jacob : I was so worried 🥺
Y/N : What happened I'm so confused 😣
Jacob : Not rn ok, I'm glad your going to be just fine 🥹
Y/N : I love you

Jacob bent over and kissed you on the forehead

Y/N : I'll be able to go home today thank god, I just wanna go home and get into my pj's 😩

Jacob showed you the bag of clothes he bought

Y/N : Omg your an absolute sweetheart thank youuu
Jacob : It was actually Bryce's idea
Y/N : I need to thank him later but rn can you help me get changed
Jacob : Sure 😏
Y/N : Sorry no fun time for a couple weeks 😕
Jacob : 😟😫😩😖😤😠😡
Y/N : Sorry baby
Jacob : It's ok I understand 😔 let me help you ok

He got you undressed and remained calm but then he saw all the bruising from your hips to the back for your neck and his eyes welled up in tears

Y/N : I know it's bad 😖
Jacob : Im so sorry baby
He laid his head on the side of the bed and his eyes welled with tears
Y/N : Please tell me what happened 🥺
Jacob : I can't 😭
You grab the sweater and with the last strength you had you pulled it over your head

Jacob sits on the side of the bed and cupped your cheek.......he looked up at you with the tears flowing down his cheeks

Jacob : I know you don't know what happened but I promise it will never happen again
Y/N : I love you ok
Jacob : I love you to now let me help you put on the sweatpants

You got fully dressed and some time went passed Thomas and Mia drove you guys home and Jacob helped you into the house.......

Y/N : Ugh I feel like shit
Jacob : Let's get you to bed
Y/N : Can we just chill for a bit I'm not ready for bed yet

Jacob let go for you and you walked yourself towards the lounge chairs
Mia : You ok hon
Y/N : I can walk 😂
Paige : Careful ok
Y/N : I'm fine 😅
Jacob : Nah baby let me help you ok
Y/N : No

You walked slowly but confidently and sat down onto the chair

Thomas : 😂 she will be alright, she still bubbly like she usually is
Tabi : Because she doesn't know what happened 😕
Mia : Can you guys just stop mentioning it ok

They nod

Y/N : Guys idk about you but I need food
Thomas : Say no more..........
Jacob : 😂That's my girl

Jacob's Thought 💭 : There is just one thing that keeps running through my mind, She hasn't told me about her past 🥺 and I'm worried for her.......does she not trust me ?

Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now