Movie Night

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Once everyone got there pizza's they all headed to the theater room.........
Y/N : Thomas where do I sit ??
Thomas : any seat in the second row sis but to be honest it doesn't really matter

Y/N's POV : I went to sit down next to Jacob because to be honest I'm not good with scary movies myself and I just wanted to be around him ☺️

End of POV

Thomas put on the movie and you started watching it, the pizza and dough ballz were gone in 5 seconds 😂
Everyone was cozy in there pj's and had wrapped themselves in blankets 🤍

Mia and Thomas were getting comfy together 🤍
And Kristen and Bryce pulled in the giant lounge chairs.
Tabitha and Paige cuddled on a couch, and Jake and Jackson sat next to each other sharing popcorn

As the movie played you remembered how scary it was, you started looking uncomfortable and regretted your choice in the movie and Jacob realised......

Jacob : Hey Y/N (he whispered)
Y/N : mhm
Jacob : You ok ?
Y/N : Just a little scared not gunna lie 😢
Jacob : Tell me if you need anything (he rubbed his hand on your back and noticed you were shivering from not only fear but the cold

You looked really anxious

Jacob's POV : Y/N looks like she is terrified, she's shivering all over. Is she cold, I feel so bad 😢, maybe if I offer her a hug she will feel better.......

End of POV :

Jacob : (Sighs) Come here (he said with his warm yet charming smile opening his arms)

You carefully got out of your chair trying not to make any noise and Jacob moved his blanket off him so you could sit in his lap ☺️

You sat down on him and he wrapped the blanket around you got cozy in the giant home theatre seats

Suddenly Jacob wrapped his large arms around your waist nuzzling his head into your back

Jacob : Your fine ok ?
Y/N : I'm fine now ☺️ (you said in a really tired voice, half asleep)
Jacob : How's this ? (He whispered into your ear)

You stayed silent

Jacob let go

Jacob : What's up with you, your scared aren't you 😅

You turn around and hug him warmly and nod in agreement and tuck your head into his neck

Jacob's POV : she seems to be tired from all that's happened tonight and it's too cute she's so warm and hugging me like we have known each other for so long........

End of POV

Y/N POV : As I cuddled Jacob I pretended to be asleep, I really just wanted an excuse to hug him for longer, although I had only met him earlier that day I was falling for him, like out a a plane with no parachute falling if you know what I'm sayin 😅

You fall asleep and Jacob does the same..........

The movie ends and everyone gets up ready to go to their rooms

Mia and Thomas get up and see you to cuddling

Mia : OMG, PAIGE! TABITHA! Paige and Tabi : What

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Paige and Tabi : What

They see you two together

Paige : I knew it 😅
Tabi : Jeez it's the first night and she's already making her mark 😂
Mia : It's too cute ☺️
Thomas : I knew she was into him 🙄
Paige : I knew Jacob like her the moment he saw her, I mean his jaw was on the ground 😂💀
Tabi : I mean Y/N is the definition of his type 😅

She takes a photo and saves it for later

Mia shook Jacobs arm that was around me to wake him up........

Jacob : What the hell Mia, leave me alone (he said with a growl)
Mia : You mean leave you GUYS alone!
Jacob : Oh we fell asleep ?!
Mia : She looks comfy 😂

Jacob just rolled his eyes at Mia and closed his eyes again..........

Mia : Suit yourselves but don't be surprised if you wake up tomorrow with back pains 😂 night you two xx

She leaves the room along with everyone else.........

Jacob : Hey Y/N wake up


Jacob : Y/N ?!

Y/N : WHAT ?!

You wake up surprised to be in his arms and felt quite embarrassed although no one was there

Y/N : Shit I'm so sorry did I fall asleep ?
Jacob : No it's ok but I'm sorry I woke you up it's just that I think you would prefer to go to bed
Y/N : I'll take the couch seriously
Jacob : No your not, I'm taking you to my room

He suddenly grabs hold of your legs and your back and starts carrying you along with the blanket you leave the empty pizza boxes on the floor and head straight to Jacob's room, he carried you up the stairs with no problem 😉 and opened the door and carried you in.......

Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now