Late night whispers

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Jacob went to bed with you that night in your room he had on a really big fluffy hoodie and you were in a clean sweater.......

Jacob's head was on your chest and one of his arms were lightly wrapped around your waist and the other was caressing your rib.......before you both fell asleep he said he wanted to fall asleep to his favorite sound

Your heartbeat


You struggled to fall asleep and Jacob noticed you were agitated 😣

Jacob whispered : Baby your ok alright I'm here 😴

You stayed silent but your body calmed down and Jacob moved his body closer to you

Jacob : You really scared me tonight, in that moment I wanted to end my suffering as well seeing someone like that is something that everyone fears but doesn't talk about and it terrifying, I couldn't be more grateful that your here in my arms right now, you have no idea baby 😔🥺..........I'm not giving up on us and I will help you through everything and we and the rest of the house will figure it out I promise

He moved his head up and kissed you on the neck then on your cheek and finally you lips


You turned your body a bit and put you arm around Jacob's neck

Jacob : I love you so much 🥺
Y/N : Love you two you whispered 😮‍💨
Jacob : I'm glad I can here those words

He pulled the covers over you two and his continued to caress his hand over your side up and down to calm your nerves down and you eventually fell asleep

Sorry this chapter is short but I'm working on a better one next xx I hope you have been enjoying the story, I'm am so grateful for all your sweet comments it warms my heart every time I get a notification for one xx 🤭🤍🤍🤍 ily u guys and happy reading xx

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