Forgive me Baby

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You started walking up the stairs while planning what you were going to write in your head.......

Your Thought 💭 : "Dear Baby.............umm" Shit why can't I think of anything

You opened your bedroom door an shut it behind you........

You grabbed a pen a and note pad and started thinking

After a couple mins your mind got busy and words appeared on the page like musical notes you put your heart and soul into that letter like Kristian told you too as you ripped the page out the book you heated footsteps creeping towards your room

A voice appeared behind the door

Mia came in with Jacob's coffee

Mia : There we go, let me know if u need anything
Y/N : Mia I'm not actually pregnant
Mia : I know but I'm sorry we influenced you to do this and we're partly to blame
Y/N : Don't beat yourself u about it ok, relax have your coffee and I'll see you in a bit
Mia : Kk whatcha doing
Y/N : Writing a live note
Mia : Aww sweet he needs that
Y/N : Let's hope this lets me talk to him
Mia : I'm sure it will, keep me updated babes love you
Y/N : Love you 2 Mia xx

Mia left

You finished the letter and and grabbed the hoodie you wore the night before, you gathered all the stuff and walked down the hallway to Jacob's room

You took a deep breath 😮‍💨  placed down his things and walked gave a light knock on the door

No reply

You just left it a went back to your room

Your Thought 💭 : Wow maybe I really messed up bad

Your Thoughts got interrupted by the sound of a door creaking open and the rustling of paper, then the door shut

You peeped out the door just to double check if Jacob took his stuff

He did

You breathed a sigh of relief while you waited patiently in your room you layer down on the bed a just scrolled through tiktok..........

Jacob's POV :

Jacob's Thought 💭 : I was still pretty hot hearted by the situation I don't know how to feel sadness or anger, ugh who am I kidding I'm feeling both wtf goes through peoples brains, I swear if Kristian was involved in this I'm going to murder the dude

Jacob was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling, he had shut the curtains and turned on his red led lights

He grabbed a large squish mallow and hugged it tight

Jacob's Thought 💭 : I know I'm not ready to have kids but I just wanna be a dad dude

Another tear rolled down the side of his check when he heard a knock on the door

Jacob's Thought 💭 : I'm not bothered for this Shit right now..........
Fine I'll have a look

I opened the door and looked down to see a coffee my hoodie or technically Y/N's hoodie 😒 and a sheet of paper.......

Wtf is this for ?!

Jacob walked back and sat on the end of the bed and opened up the letter and started reading............

To Jacob,

Baby, I can't even imagine what you're feeling right now what I did was so fucking dumb and I can't forgive myself for that, I realised downstairs after talking to Kristian that I needed to talk to you but I knew you wouldn't want to see me right now......So if your even reading this letter right now I'm really happy 🖤 Your love for children melts my heart and we will have that someday I promise that love you have for children makes me fall for you even more, I seriously don't understand how I was able to score such a sweet yet mature soul with so much love and joy even when the past was a hell train. I told the girls to grab you a latte from me and your can have your hoodie back xx Love you baby and I'm so sorry 🖤 please forgive me xx

Jacob just breathed........

Jacob's Thought 💭 : I love you to sweetheart, this is gunna take so much mending but I can't stay mad at you

Jacob took a sip of the coffee and picked up the hoodie and walked out his room.......

End of POV

You heard the same footsteps again coming towards your room and then a knock........

Y/N : Hey Mia, Ur back again

You sat up on the bed a turned around to see Jacob
He started slowly approaching you.........

Y/N : Huh baby um.........I........

You started stuttering and your voice got louder and louder and quicker

Y/N : You ok ? I um......I was so stupid for doing that ! and I'm just freaking out cuz idk what to do and ahhhhh I just........

You were interrupted by Jacob pulling you in for a kiss.......
His hands his arms made their way around your hips as he kept kissing you......he lead the kiss and you suddenly got lifted up as your legs wrapped round his waist.......
His hand caressed your back as he pulled away

You both said nothing but you rested your forehead on each others......

Jacob kissed your cheek while turning and he sat down on the bed, you sat on his lap as he tucked his head into the dip of your neck

You breathed another sigh of relief

Then Jacob whispered in your ear......

Jacob : We will have kids when we're ready don't worry ok, just please don't do that again, don't blame yourself ok, I can't stay mad at you...........

I really hope you liked this chapter my lovely's Ilysm xx 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍

Tysm Tori xx

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