Recovery Night

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Mia : Y/N Remember take it easy ok, a concussion is a big thing
Y/N : How do u know 😂

Mia looks over at Thomas then back to you

Y/N : Oh ok got it
Jacob : Hey Babe can we chat for a sec
Y/N : Sure but where because I don't think I can move from here
Jacob : Do you guys mind leaving us alone for a sec
Thomas : Don't do anything I would do mate, btw guys choose what you wanna eat tonight

Jacob nodded and sat down on the other lounge chair next to you, he brushed his hair back and sighed

Y/N : U ok ?
Jacob : Well that's my question, I know you have no idea what happened tonight
Y/N : We'll um........

You looked down

Jacob : Babe.......hello

Y/N : I know what happened tonight ok

Jacob's POV : She looked up at me with pure sadness and fright.......She knew everything and she was taken advantage of 🥺 I'm so sorry for her, ITS MY FAULT

End of POV

Y/N : I pretended I forgot because I didn't want people to worry, especially Tabi, Thomas and You
Jacob : I'm so sorry baby, I wasn't there for you and I will never live that down your in this state because of me ! 😫

He started tearing up

Y/N : Brandon is not someone I would to associate with......
Jacob : I could tell babe I'm so sorry ok

You opened your arms for him to come over and join you on the chair

He wrapped his arms carefully around your waist and tucked his head under your chin and nuzzled his head into your neck

Y/N : Brandon and I have a bad history.......
Jacob : You don't have to tell me if you don't want to I know it's really triggering 🥺
Y/N : I need to tell you tho, and I'm ok rn because I have you where I want you 😊🥹
Jacob : I love you so much you have no idea 🥺
Y/N : How did I get so lucky 🥹
Jacob : I'm the one who got lucky 😅
Y/N : Your too cute I can't, but again about my past

Jacob let go and lifted his head to look at you

Jacob : Are you sure
Y/N : Like I said you need to know.........We started dating 2 years ago, I was alone and desperate, I snuck out one day to get a Taco Bell because I hadn't eating in 2 days......

Jacob looks worried

Y/N : Brandon was there and offered to pay for my food if I repaid I said I was desperate so he paid for my food because I was broke, we both walked was about 12:45 am and he asked "so how you gunna repay me huh"
......I didn't know what to do and I started bluffing......he said "how bout a kiss baby girl 😏"
I was creeped out and I started running away but he caught up to me and grabbed me......

You felt Jacob tighten his grip

Y/N : Baby bit tight
Jacob : Sorry 🥺

Jacob's POV : I was getting more terrified and scared every word she spoke, I can't imagine what she's feeling right now and I hate it Aghhhhhhhh how can somebody treat a small beautiful woman like that 🥺😡😤

End of POV

You started tearing up 🥺

Jacob : Ok baby that's enough I knew it would be triggering, come here ok 😫🥺😭

You started crying a Jacob immediately took matters into his own hands......he hugged you warmly and kissed you on the forehead

Jacob : Please don't be scared baby 🥺, you will never be played with ever again ok 😡

Y/N : U tried to get thought that but I can't 😭
Jacob : I'm proud of you but you have had a really terrible night and you need to relax
Y/N : Stay here with me here right now please 🥺
Jacob : I'm not going anywhere rn ok 🥺😖 I'm so sorry 😣

He started tearing up again and you both just cried, Jacob had never looked so mad and sad at the same time ever before.......


But he didn't know who he was going to harm if he did that.......

Hope u enjoyed xx 🤍🤍🤍


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