Jacob's Scare

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Jacob : Baby 🥺
Y/N : stop your scaring me ! 🥺

He sat gently onto your lap and cried into your chest

Y/N : Baby what's wrong please tell me 😰🥺
Jacob : I really thought I had lost you, your my everything 😭, my best friend, my soulmate, the first person to ever make me feel like I was loved, the mother of my future kids...........

Your Thought 💭 : The mother of his future kids.......🥺🤍

Jacob kept going

Jacob : .......... My baby and the main person I care about in my life, seeing you hurt and in pain makes me feel it 10 times worse..........I felt like I couldn't protect you and I didn't 🥺😭
He pulled back his head to wipe away his tears on his hoodie

Water formed in your eyes as you saw his red face and fear in the tone of his voice........ you gently put the palm of your hand on his cheek and kissed him

He kissed you back and his mood settled a little

You rested both your foreheads together both of your hands were on each of Jacob's cheeks

You sat there for a second then said

Y/N : It's my fault, and I'm so sorry 😔 I've realized all I need right now is love and you are that to me as much as I am to you 🥺🤍
Jacob : But my dad 😰🥺 like how, what when
Y/N : That's my parents fault 😰
Jacob : You don't know him Y/N but I know exactly what his is capable of trust me, what's really worrying me is that your parents know where you live........
Y/N : And there coming for me 😣
Jacob : I can't let them take you away, I need you 🥺
Y/N : I'm not going anywhere, although I'm injured and under some mental stress I know I can pull through this
Jacob : I spoke to Thomas........
Y/N : when 😔
Jacob : after the Brandon experience

That name made you shake in fear and disgust

Jacob : We have the police on board
Y/N : Wait what
Jacob : Thomas is updating the news on what's happened and he is opening a case
Jacob : Baby it's for the best 😔
Y/N : But I ............ 😖😰😰😰
Jacob : It's necessary ok 🥺
Y/N : Am I going to get in trouble
Jacob : No baby no don't worry 🥺
Y/N : But what if they ask about the past
Jacob : That the one thing, they will question you on that but I'll be there for you I promise

The conversation died down a bit and you both wanted to stay in bed a little longer and so you laid down on the cover and Jacob big spoons you from the back

You felt him heavily breathing behind you, he was still scared and his grip was tighter then usual........

Y/N : Please not so tight on my ribs babe there still a bit sore 😓
Jacob : Sorry love he looses his grip and rests his arms on you lower stomach



Voice : All clear
Another Voice : Good, which room
Voice : I bet it's that one

Pointed up towards your window

Another Voice : We're coming for you Y/N

Both Voices : Hahahahhahahahaha (evil laugh)



Mia and Thomas were making themselves breakfast and the rest of the crew were out at the gym......

When Mia noticed something like a figure on the monitor

Mia : Um hey babe who is that on the cameras ?

Thomas walked over to Mia............

And what he saw shook his world

Thomas: BRANDON ?! 🤬

To be continued ............. 🤍

Sorry I just had to leave it in a cliff hanger 😩🤍

Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now