Midnight Hot Tub Sesh

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Jacob carried you and the towels down towards the pool..........

You both set down your stuff down by the side of the tub

Y/N : This is really sweet of you
Jacob : I've really needed this, I just need time alone with you I've been feeling so anxious lately 😓
Y/N : Just relax I love you 🤍🤍🤍
Jacob : I love you too 🖤🖤🖤 You do what you need to do, I'll just get in
Y/N : kk

Jacob immediately just stripped off his hoodie and pants and took off the hot tub cover, he turned up the heat............

Jacob : How hot do u want it ?
Y/N : Quite hot pls, and hurry it's cold outside 😅

Jacob got into the hot tub and immediately poured some water in his hands and splashed it onto his head, the water dripped down his neck, then his chest and then to his ripped abs

Holy frickkkkkk man 🥵 !!!!!!

You just stared at him completely In disbelief, that he's your boyfriend 🤍🤍🤍

Y/N's Thought 💭 : How did I get so lucky 🥺

Jacob : You done staring 😂 huh
Y/N : Stop ok 😅
Jacob : Hurry baby

You took off your over layers and your figure was completely shown, Jacob's face was in absolute aww, although he has seen every inch of you he looked at your like he was looking at a dream 🤍🤍🤍

Jacob's Thought 💭 : She gets me every time I swear to god 🥵 jeez, how the fuck did I get this lucky 😢

Y/N : Um earth to Jacob 😂, babe ?

Jacob was just in a daze 🤍

Jacob : Um sorry what 😐
Y/N : Are YOU done staring now 😂
Jacob : Fine I'm a simp 😅 just come here don't keep me waiting 😫
Y/N : Ok sheesh 😂

You got into the hot tub with him and sat right down next to him xxx

Jacob took out your hair and started playing with it

Y/N : Babe I literally just did my hair 💀😂
Jacob : Don't care 😑😂

Jacob had placed his phone by the side of the tub for later...........

He grabbed one of the towels dried off his hands and picked up his phone

Y/N : What u doing ?
Jacob : Capturing the moment 🖤
Y/N : Pass it here then I take way better photos 😂

You found a space in between one of the cup holders as placed a timer on the camera

Jacob : What are u doing ?
Y/N : Kiss me 🖤
Jacob : Anytime 🖤🖤🖤

Snap !

You and Jacob 🖤🤍🖤

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You and Jacob 🖤🤍🖤

The camera got the shot, but Jacob wasn't done, he kept kissing you and stroking your hair, he pulled away for a second and you sat on his lap and he pulled you in again.........

Jacob eventually stopped and you got off his lap

Jacob : Where u going
Y/N : Under this water cuz if fucking freezing 🥶😫
Jacob : 😂😂😂🖤 I agree

Jacob went down with you and you both laughed, while laughing bubbles formed on the surface of the water, Jacob lost it 😂😂🖤

Jacob : We are literally children 💀😂🖤
Y/N : Eh who cares
Jacob : Come here

Jacob opened up his arms warmly and you nuzzled right in he kissed your forehead multiple times which tickled 😂

Y/N : Stopppp 🤣

Jacob didn't stop, he just laughed and kept going

Y/N while still laughing : We're supposed to be relaxing 💀

Jacob eventually stopped because he was tired, he slipped back and put his hand on your chest 🖤

Y/N : Let's just chill for about 20 mins and then I'm going to wash my hair 💀 because somebody decided to wreak it !
Jacob : Eh 😂

You and Jacob just snuggled in the hot tub and gossiped about the most random shit, which was both entertaining and cute.......

The night got colder and sunrise was soon xx

Jacob : We should head inside baby, we need some sleep 😴 plus I'm tired
Y/N : Agreed

3rd Person :

Y/N and Jacob hopped out the hot tub into the freezing cold air, they both wrapped up warm, grabbed all there stuff as quickly as possible and ran up towards the house......

Y/N : Jacob hurry I'm gunna get hypothermia 💀💀

Jacob was able to get into the house and the both of them were able to run in, Y/N slammed the door shut completely forgetting everyone was asleep........

Jacob : BABE QUIET 🤫
Y/N : Oop 😐🤭
Jacob : Let's go upstairs, but quietly this time 😅
Y/N : Whatever 🙄😂🤍

You both head up into your room and Jacob grabbed his pj pants and put them on, then proceeded to dry his hair on one of your bathroom towels.........

You dried off your hair and wrapped it up on top of your head........

Jacob just hugged you

Y/N : What's this for ? 😂🤍
Jacob : Tonight
Y/N : You quickly grabbed your phone off the counter and took a photo in the bathroom mirror...🤍

You and Jacob 🤍🤍🤍

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You and Jacob 🤍🤍🤍

Jacob let go and saw the photo on your screen

Jacob : God I'm ripped
Y/N : 😂 yes you are, I'll post it tmr morning xx 🤍

Pt 2 to this section will be out very soon xx Ilysm xx Tori 🤍🤍🤍

Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now