Hot tub sesh xx

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You woke up on Jacob's bare sat up and kissed him on the forehead

Y/N : You still dead from last night aren't you 😂
Jacob : Mmm nah 😪
Y/N : Pussy 😂
Jacob : Shush ok I'm tired and why are you up
Y/N : We over slept it's 10 am
Jacob : Fuck me 😰

He jumped up

Y/N : Oh it's fine 😅
Jacob : No because I usually wake up around 6-7
Y/N : We'll I gave you my curse of waking up late, so your welcome
Jacob : Well that messes up my day
Y/N : You mean it messes up your morning work out schedule 😂
Jacob : Same thing baby ok, I'm going to get changed
Y/N : Same I need a coffee asap
Jacob : See you in a sec k
Y/N : Bye

He left the room and you got out of the bed barely being able to walk because of last night's events iykyk, you made your way to the bathroom and did a light makeup look

You walked downstairs still in your pjs and saw the girls in the kitchen......Jacob wasn't there yet

You walked in limping

Mia : So nice of you to join us at 10:30 am 😌
Paige : 😂
Tabi : She's joking, but really why are you up so late
Y/N : 😐
Mia : Don't act dumb love, we all saw you and Jacob leave mid movie last night

Your Thought 💭 : Crap

Paige : What did you do last night huh 🤔
Tabi : Yh why are you walking like that huh 🙄
Y/N : 😓 um

Jacob walks into the room looking like he got smacked in the face with a bloody frying pan......

Mia : Morning slendie 😂

Jacob : (Slumps back on a chair) Shut up
Tabi : Quite unusual for you to be here so late you two

She's looks back and forth between you and Jacob

Jacob : Let's just say it was a rough night ok

You look at him like 😲🥴😡

Mia : oooop 😯
Tabi : Ooof 😅

She looks at you like she was surprised but she clearly wasn't

Paige : Um Jacob can u leave for a second girl chat

She looks over at him and noticed he was asleep 😴

Y/N : Oof ok um I guess he can't handle me 😌
Mia : Wtf did you do to him
Y/N : We'll idk
Tabi : Let's not get into any details but how was it
Y/N : 😒
Mia : cmon
Y/N : 🙄 it was fine

Jacob : Only fine ?!

Y/N : Wtf I thought you were asleep and I can't do this ok 😩

Mia : 😂 ok hon

Paige walks over to Jacob and sits next to him

Paige : She did you rough didn't she
Jacob : 😓

Y/N : Ok can we not 🤦‍♀️🥴
Paige : We're just bored lol wanna do something
Mia : Girls anyone for a hot tub session ☺️ ?
Paige : Omg yesssss
Tabi : Please 😩
Y/N : I'm in
Jacob : Hot tub ???
Mia : Girls only mate

Jacob yells up the stairs.......

Jacob : Hey guys pool party !!!

Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now