Wake up baby please !

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You were lifted into the ambulance still unconscious all the girls came with you while the police delt with the boys..........

Jacob's POV : I can't think straight, ahhhhhh Y/N 😭😭😭 is she ok??? Baby nooooooo

End of POV

Thomas finished up with the police, the police took the evidence given, chase even looked back at the cctv footage and it had captured everything that had happened..........

Cop : Thank you Thomas, I'm so sorry for your sister but she is getting the care she needs
Cop 2 : She is in safe hands please don't worry lads

They both looked at Jacob sitting on the floor with his face in his hands

Cop : I will leave you guys to sort this out, but right now we have to deal with this moron
Thomas : Totally understand, thank you guys so much
Cop 2 : Best of luck to you guys and we will keep you updated on anything and everything that happens
Bryce : Thanks guys
Jake : Thanks
Cop : Best of luck to all of you

They both nodded and got into the car and drove off with Brandon in the back

Thomas walked over to Jacob and sat down next to him

Bryce : Was not expecting that

He rubbed his hand over his forehead and then brush it back through his fluffy hair

Ace : Hey Jacob, Y/N is in good hands trust me
Thomas : You ok mate

He looks at Jacob and kneels in front of him and puts his hand on his shoulders

Jacob : I promised I would protect her 😣
Thomas : We know
Jacob : But I wasn't able to and now she's in an ambulance, this is all my fucking fault !

He stands up and kicks the curb.........

Thomas : Jacob calm down

Jake steps in.......

Jake : You did everything you could ok, Brandon is a dumb jealous motherfucker

Tears start streaming down his face uncontrollably 😭😭😭

Thomas's POV : I've never seen Jacob this emotional before and it breaks my heart 😔, he's like a taller younger brother to me, and my sister is now on the way to the hospital, I'm breaking on the inside man.....

End of POV

Jackson steps in......

Jackson : I just got a text from Paige
Thomas : What's it say
Jackson : They arrived at he hospital and Y/N is awake

Jacob's Thought 💭 : Thank god !

Thomas : Let's go then
Bryce : Guys she's in a dress and heels maybe Jacob should go grab some of her clothes and bring them to the hospital, it will make her more comfortable surely ☺️
Jackson : Good idea mate
Ace : Surprised your not loved up mate
Bryce : Haven't found the one yet
Ace : You will dw
Thomas : We better hurry

Jacob was already walking to the car

Thomas : I'll drive
Jake : Fuck this party
Ace : Let's go

They all head back to the hype house and quickly get changed into some more comfortable clothes......Jacob ran to your room and grabbed your favorite pj's and one of his sweaters since you love them so much........

Jacob ran to your room and grabbed your favorite pj's and one of his sweaters since you love them so much

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Something like this xx 🤍

They all headed straight back though the door and drove to the hospital.......

Hope you enjoyed this chapter xx

Sorry I haven't been updating much, over the past couple of days I have been mourning over the passing of my dog Maple 🤍 xx I just haven't been motivated to write but all of your sweet comments have made me fell happy to start writing more again 🤍🤍🤍 love you guys the absolute most and Stay tuned for some more chapters xx ily

Tori xx

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