Strengthening the bond

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You and Jacob woke up as normal, he headed to the gym with Kristian, Ace, Jackson, Jake, Bryce and Thomas while you just stayed at home with the girls........

Mia : Where were u this morning, we all slept in the basement where did u go ? 😂 HOW TF DID U GET OUT ?!
Y/N : Jacob guessed the password
Mia : Shit
Tabi : What did u do huh 🤔
Paige : 😏
Y/N : We didn't hook up 😑
Paige : 😒
Mia : Hey Y/N what's this on your story huh
Y/N : Wait what ?!
Paige : Omggg
Tabi : Awwwww
Mia : Babes that so cute
Y/N : What ?!
Tabi : This photo ☺️

She showed you the pic you took last night in the hot tub...........

Mia : It couple u 2
Tabi : Your bond 🫶🏻
Paige : Goals
Y/N : It was really cute

You all chatted and hung out for another hour, the boys weren't back from the gym yet, which was weird, the time hit 11:30 am............

Y/N : Hey guys
Tabi : What's up
Y/N : Where are the guys ?

Mia's face immediately changed, both she and Tabi looked like they were hiding something..........Paige said nothing...........

Y/N : What's going on huh ? 🤨
Tabi : Um
Mia : Maybe adding another couple weights to their workout ?
Y/N : I really don't think that would take another Hour ?!
Paige : Don't worry about it I'm sure there fine

Mia and Tabi suddenly smirked at each other then burst out laughing............

Wtf was going on with the boys............

Um starting to get worried

Y/N : Something isn't adding up here
Paige : don't stress it y/n I'm sure there ok

Boys POV :

Thomas : Dude omg
Bryce : Y/N is gunna die
Jake : Is this the one she wanted
Kristian : She's gunna love it
Jackson : I want it lol
Jacob : I really hope she loves it, I love her so much
Thomas : Thank you for doing this for my sister
Jacob : Anything

End of POV.............

Some time passed, You couldn't help but feel worried for the boys although they could literally just be hanging out, You and the girls ended up all going upstairs and got ready for the day............

Your outfit :

You put on a light makeup look, you walked into Jacob's wardrobe and stole one of his hats

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You put on a light makeup look, you walked into Jacob's wardrobe and stole one of his hats.............

To lazy you ended up just lying on his bed and scrolling on your phone............

Mia, Tabi and Paige all went back downstairs and nervously waited for the boys to arrive

Paige : Seriously guys you can't put on a serious act can you, she's already caught on to something
Mia : I'm tooo fucking excited 😆
Tabi : Sameeeeeee
Paige : Shushhhhhhhh ok
Mia : Trying
Tabi : The guys better hurry up

A couple minutes passed, you stayed in Jacob's room while the girls quietly screamed in exitement.........

All the boys got out the car while Mia quietly but excitedly opened the door

Jacob carefully came out the car holding something in his arms.......

Mia : OMFG
Tabi : Omg this is perfect
Paige : Holy Shit Jacob 🥺🤩
Jacob : Where is she ?
Mia : Upstairs
Jacob : Right everyone in the kitchen k
Mia : I'll go grab her
Thomas : Jacob hide in the Pantry
Jake : Ooooh good idea

All of them slowly gathered in the kitchen

Jacob hid in the pantry with the surprise

Paige signaled to Thomas

Thomas : Hey y/n get down here !!!!!

You heard Thomas and rushed downstairs.......

Y/N : Oh your back

You looked around to see everyone in the kitchen except for Jacob

Y/N : What's going on ?
Thomas : Um Y/N
Mia : Jacob um
Y/N : What's happening tell me know ?!
Paige : Shall we tell her
Bryce : Um
Y/N : Wtf guys spill the fucking tea, where's Jacob ?!

Everyone looked silent when Jacob all of a sudden walked out the Pantry holding.............

Y/N : Omg Omg Omg
Jacob : 😂

Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now