First Night Bliss

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Jacob carried you into his room and placed you on his giant bed ☺️, worried you would over heat he took off your hoodie and tucked you in. He let you use his Dino squishmallow as a pillow and you snuggled right in.......

He sat on the bed next to you

Jacob : I know your tired but do you want some water
You shook your head
Y/N : I'm ok ☺️
Jacob : I enjoyed your hugs tonight, I'm not usually a softy like this, I guess you have changed me 😂
Y/N : I am the best at hugs 😌
Jacob : See you in the morning xx (he said as he started to head too the door)
Y/N : Where are you going ? (You said tired but upset)
Jacob : I'm gunna sleep on the couch downstairs why ?
Y/N : I feel bad tho, I mean this is your bed
Jacob : Y/N it's your first night and I find it really hard to go to sleep so I'll only be keep you up, it's better if I go downstairs tbh and not bother you

You Pouted

Jacob's POV : I looked at Y/N and she looked so comfy in my bed that I wanted to join her but it felt wrong because we're just friends.....

End of POV

Y/N : You are not walking through that door, please just stay for one more hug I'm quite cold actually
Jacob : Are you sure
Y/N : Mhm (you opened up the covers and Jacob got into bed but on the other side
Jacob : Just one thing tho
Y/N : hm
Jacob : My shirt is coming off
Y/N : That's fine I just won't look 😂 (YOU REALLY WANT TO LOOK AGHHH)

Jacob took off his shirt and got under the covers

20 mins past (you were both on one side of the bed you on the right and Jacob on the left)

(You have your back towards Jacob)

Jacob : Y/N are you awake ? (He whispered)

You stay silent pretending to be asleep just to mess with him 😂

Jacob : Y/N..........
Jacob : Your asleep right ?
Jacob : Heyyyy ?!

You stay silent and still

Jacob : I still don't believe your asleep but nvm I need to tell you something

Y/N's Thought 💭 : Ooooh spilll

Jacob : I'll just admit it I was almost not bothered to come downstairs when Thomas called me down those stairs but........

Y/N's Thought 💭 : But what ???

Jacob : I'm glad I did walk down those stairs, I tired to keep my cool but your....... The sweetest sole I have every seen walk through that door xx and It pains me to think what you had been through because I have experienced something like that In the past....... Not to bring it up but I've had a fucked up childhood myself, my parents are divorced and changing from house to house constantly tore my mental health apart, Sorry to dump this on you but what I'm saying is that I'm glad we had that hug In the movie room.......It's the first time I've truly felt safe with someone.....

Y/N's Thought 💭 : I'm happy that Jacob feels he can be vulnerable around me it's sweet.......

Jacob : Night xx
Y/N : Your such a softie and it's too cute you said turning around
Jacob : I fucking knew your were awake
Y/N : Oh cmon I fooled you
Jacob : Well I'm glad you heard to be honest
Y/N : Because we understand each other If you ever need to talk to someone I'm right here ☺️

Jacob said nothing

You felt someone get closer to you and wrap there arms around you, Jacob nuzzled his head into your chest and leaned all 6'6 feet on you 😂 but you didn't mind ☺️

Y/N : You are too cute I can't 😂
Jacob : Mmmmm (he snuggled in further) That one hug earlier wasn't enough for me

Y/N : You are too cute I can't 😂Jacob : Mmmmm (he snuggled in further) That one hug earlier wasn't enough for me

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Y/N : Night
Jacob : Night and thank you
Y/N : For what ☺️ ?
Jacob : For making me feel safe
Y/N : Awww anytime xx

You fall asleep in each other's arms 😊😊

Tell me how you like my first story so far xx ilysm 🤍
VictoriaElena xx

Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now