A house Secret

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You Looked at everyone who were silents by your words.........

Everything seemed to disappear

The rain started coming back down.........

Thomas dropped the knife onto the ground and stepped forward

Everyone just focused on you........

Completely forgetting what was occurring outside

Thomas : Y/N why are you thinking like this, your way more then you think you are 🥺

Tabi stepped forward and the rest followed


Tabi : A Best Friend 🥺

Paige : My dance buddy 🥺

Ace : A Loyal Companion 🥺

Mia : A Hugging Buddy 🥺

Jake : Absolute sweetheart 🥺

Kristian : Little Pumpkin 🥺

Jackson : Honest Friend for life 🥺

Bryce : Best advice giver 🥺

Thomas : A younger sister 🥺


Jacob : A Girlfriend 🥺

They all came up to you and everyone started crying.........

The room went silent Thomas brought everyone in for a giant group hug when there was a sudden crash coming from the back door ...........

"Glass shatters" !

The peaceful moment was suddenly ruined as you heard footsteps approaching..........

Voice : Where are you 👿
Another Voice : Come out wherever you are 😈


You recognized a voice and immediately knew who it was........

The sound of footsteps on broken glass rattled through your ears.......

Y/N : Mum ?! 😟😣

Everyone went into panic mode and thomas silently but frantically signaled for the girls to leave and head into the security basement......... !!!!!!!!


For safety only Mia and Thomas knew where it was located in the house......

TOP SECRET ⚠️⚠️⚠️ !!!!!!

Mia whispered in a scared voice : Girls follow me now the boys will take care of them 😣😖I hope
Y/N : Those police better come quick
Paige : I'm calling the police right now
Tabi : No time do it when we're at safety !!!!!

You start to hyperventilate frantically making you almost unable to walk or hold yourself up, Tabi noticed a gave you a hand

Tabi whispered out of breath : Cmon Y/N ! Work with us here, Mia where is this basement ?! 😰
Mia : Just here !

You all ran into a room and Paige quickly locked the door shut.........

She took you all to Thomas's office and pointed to the bookshelf........

Tabi : Huh ?!

Mia ran forward as quick as possible and grabbed a mysterious book.........she pulled at it and the shelf started to move revealing a secret door ! 😵‍💫😵

Paige : Holy shit Mia 😱
Mia : No time for questions !!!!

Mia punched in a code and the door flew open

Mia : In here now !!!!!

She frantically waved her arm back and forth........

Paige hurried in and the rest of you followed

The door lead to a small staircase....... You all walk down into pitch black........

Y/N : I can't see ! 😰

Mia found the light switch.......

She flicked it on and what you saw surprised the living hell out of you

Paige : Omg
Tabi : Holy crap
Y/N : 😱😱😱😨

Sorry another cliffhanger 😩🤍 ily u guys xx

Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now