Netfilx and chill xx

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Spicy Warning 🥵❤️‍🔥 !!!!! (Ik you guys have been waiting for it 😂)

After another long day of TikTok's, Insta Pics and vlogging everyone was ready to chill, after the chick fil a you all went home and filmed a mukbang 😂, after that you all went to your rooms and got changed into some pj's.......

After another long day of TikTok's, Insta Pics and vlogging everyone was ready to chill, after the chick fil a you all went home and filmed a mukbang 😂, after that you all went to your rooms and got changed into some pj's

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You all met up in the theatre and Thomas started playing titanic, Jacob sat down on one of the giant lounge chairs and signalled you to come over........

Jacob whispered : Psttt Baby here

He opened his arms out for you to come lay down with sat down in his lap and he wrapped his arms around your waist and dug his head into your back

You started watching the movie and about 30 mins go past

Jacob : Hey baby
Y/N : Mhm
Jacob : Im sorry for earlier ok I overreacted and I apologise
Y/N : It's ok I understand I love you ok no need to be jealous

You turned around and cupped his cheek and gave him a peck on the lips but it didn't stop there......he pulled you in for a kiss and it continued for seconds on end......

Y/N : Ok that's enough I mean everyone is here 😂 (you whispered to him)
Jacob : Wanna ditch the movie I mean I've seen it about a million times
Y/N : Are you sure
Jacob: I'm bored wanna join me upstairs
Y/N : Sure but don't make any noise I don't want people noticing that we're gone so early
Jacob : ok well get up then 😉

You got off Jacob as quietly as you can and stood up and he did the same you snuck out the door and Jacob picked you up and carried you up the stairs......

Jacob : Who's room
Y/N : Mine I have a better bed 😌
Jacob : Fine 🙄

He walked down the hallway and opened your door and walked pass, to be careful he locked the door and then placed you on the bed and suddenly got on top of you and kissed you again but this time a bit more aggressive 😏 then he started making his way down your neck and onto your lean your head back......Jacob looks up......

Jacob : Can I ?

You look down at him a nod

He continued going down and started unbuttoning your top he stayed silent but your whole chest was exposed and he just smirked 😏 he kept kissing you down until he went to your hip, he came back up to your face and as he did his dick rubbed against you......

Your thought 💭 : Jeez he's hard but how big is that thing I mean I'm not a virgin.......but should I be nervous 😟

Jacob : Are you sure ?
Y/N : Mhm 😏
Jacob : 😏

Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now