Your Hidden Talent 😉

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Mia walks into your room with 2 cups of coffee......

Mia : Hey I made you a coffee 😉
Y/N : Aww your the sweetest thank you ☺️
Mia : No problem, So I kinda wanted to give you some dating advice
Y/N : oh yes please I need it 😔
Mia : So out of the corner of my eye saw Jacob looking really jealous
Y/N : Tell me about it 🥺
Mia : It's very normal don't worry, I found it with Thomas and I when we first started dating
Y/N : I just don't know what to do u kinda now feel like I've done something bad 😐
Mia : It's very normal for them to get jealous, he loves you and Kristian is his best friend, because he saw Kristian kinda hanging out with you like that he feels as a boyfriend to claim you in a way 😅
Y/N : Aww that's sweet
Mia : He wants you for his own but not in a creepy way it's what happens when they fall that hard in love with someone, so my advice is to stick with him tonight and just ease down the heat In him☺️🤍
Y/N : I will then xx ☺️☺️
Mia : We're watching titanic tonight so meet in the theatre at 10 pm spread the word pls xx 🤍
Y/N : I will dw, and thank you for this 😂 (you look at the coffee)
Mia : Your welcome 😂
Y/N : Wanna hang out with the gang downstairs ???
Mia : sure xx 🤍

You guys head down stairs to the kitchen and see the whole gang in there including Jacob who was on his phone.......

Ace : Hey
Bryce : Hi guys
Mia : Hi you lot
Y/N : Why are you guys still in the spider suits 😂
Bryce : Not bothered to get out of them

Thomas walks in.......

Hey guys I have this TikTok trend I want us to recreate

Paige : What is is
Thomas : You guys have to sing 😂😂😂 although none of us can but it will be entertaining
Tabi : Um well Thomas your sister is a good singer 😌

You look at her like 😰

Your Thought 💭 : Oh crap

Paige : Really (she looked at you)
Y/N : Um well I sing for fun sometimes but I'm not that great Tabi 🙄
Tabi : Oh come on your amazing

Jacob looks up

Tabi : Hey Thomas what trend is it
Thomas : It's the song "Over"
Tabi : Hey Y/N you know that one ???
Y/N : Um yes
Paige : Please sing for us
Mia : Oh please cmon
Y/N : Give me the phone then 🙄 only once ok

You press record and.......

Y/N : Ok this is going to be bad but here goes nothing

This video is you singing xx 🤍

(Credits to Larissa Lambert for this amazing cover 🤍xx)

You sang and then hit stop on the recording

Y/N : There you guys happy look at them

Everyone including Jacob : 😳🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩

Kristian : 🔥🔥🔥
Paige : Oh my wow
Tabi : Told you 😌
Y/N : Oh come on it's not that great 🙄
Mia : Your amazing 🤩!!!!!!
Jacob : Babe omg 😳
Y/N : Never again 😳
Paige : Give is another please
Y/N : No 😐
Thomas : I got another for ya sis 😅
Tabi : Which one 😌
Thomas : Hrs and Hrs
Tabi : Hey Y/N weren't you singing that the other day 😌
Y/N : Crap 🤦‍♀️
Mia : Sing itttt !!!!!!!
Y/N : Do I have to

Everyone stared at you and nodded

You hit record again and sing another xx 🤍

(Thank you again to Larissa for the covers xx 🤍)

Y/N : Right your turn 😂

You look at everyone and yet again all there jaws were on the floor

Jacob : You voice is amazing 🤩
Y/N : Thank you bby
Mia : Your so talented 🤩
Kristian: Ariana who 😳

You giggle 🤭

Thomas : I'm posting these on the main TikTok 😌
Y/N : Ok I guess 🤦‍♀️🙄😂
Ace : Best singer In the house 🙌 hands down
Y/N : I will take that role 😌😂
Jacob : Why didn't you tell me 😂
Y/N : Because I knew this would happen 🙄
Everyone: 😂😂😂
Mia : You should post singing vids
Y/N : Rlly
Bryce : Your voice is great
Jackson : I agree
Y/N : I'll consider it but..........I'm bored can we do something 🙄 other then singing please 😂
Thomas : What you thinking
Y/N : Um hungry anyone else 😐

You look around

Jake : Chick fil a ???
Paige : Omg please
Thomas : I'm actually so down
Mia : I need fries rn 😅
Jackson : I'm down
Bryce : Same
Thomas : Right Mia, Y/N, Jacob, And Kristian in my car and then the rest of you in Jake's
Jake : On it

You all grabbed your things but the boys stayed in the spider suits 🤦‍♀️

You head to the drive though and Thomas pulls up.........

Thomas: Hi can I get 5 large fries, 2 crispy chicken sandwiches, 2 Mac and cheeses, 3 deluxe sandwiches , 2 cokes and 3 waters and that should be it

Server : Sure that will be £34.89 at the window please
Thomas : ok sure

Y/N : How do you guys afford so much food I don't get it 😅
Jacob : Content = Cash 😂
Thomas: He's right
Mia : Y/N maybe if you post singing vids you can treat us to chick fil a sometime
Y/N : 😐🙄

The rest of the car 😂😂😂

The story will continue soon 🤍 xx

Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now