Moving In

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Jacob's POV : I started walking up the stairs with Y/N's bags and guided her to her room I set down her bags and opened the door for her..........

End of POV

Jacob : And here is your room, your lucky because you have one of the best bathrooms
Y/N : I love it, and thank you so much for this Jacob
Jacob: No worries, welcome to hype ( he said winking 😉)
Y/N : Thank you so much your the sweetest

Jacob blushes

Y/N : But just one more thing
Jacob : What's up
Y/N : Are you sure about me sleeping in your bed, I mean I've only just met you
Jacob : It's no bother seriously, feel free to sleep in, I know you have had a long night and you deserve somewhere comfy to sleep

He puts his large hand on your shoulder and winks again 😉

You blush ☺️

Jacob : I'll leave you to sort your things out

You nodded and smiled 😊

Y/N's POV : I started unpacking although I had barley anything and had no place to sort my things, As I unpacked I was thinking about how Jacob just touched my shoulder, for some reason it felt comforting which is weird because I usually hate being touched because the only thing that runs through my mind is my abusive parents and how traumatized they had made me be........

End of POV

Y/N : Done, although it isn't that much (you said to yourself)

Before meeting everyone downstairs again you decided to get changed into something a little more comfortable

Before meeting everyone downstairs again you decided to get changed into something a little more comfortable

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You change into this (sorry if you don't like it 😢)

You change into this (sorry if you don't like it 😢)

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And these cozy slippers (instead of the shoes)

You headed down to the kitchen and saw everyone was chatting so your decided to join the conversation

Y/N : Hi guys
Ace : Whatup Y/N
Jackson and Bryce : Hi
Paige : Hey girl come sit

You sit next to Paige on the edge set

Thomas : Hey Smalls (one of your nicknames) we're about to order pizza what do you want ?

Y/N : Ohhhhhh _______!

You picked your fav flavor 😋

Kristan : She got good taste (he said looking at everyone) (Then he winked at you)
Tabitha : Y/N has the best taste in food Period 😅
Y/N : She ain't lying 😌

Jacob looks at Kristian mad....... 👀 but then quickly turns to you and Smiles in a cute but joking way

Y/N's Thought 💭: What was that I just saw. I was just having a good convo with Kristian and Jacob looks mad in a jealous way ?

Jacob : I'll get the same as Y/N

Jacob stood up and walked towards you

He puts both his hands on your shoulders this time 😉

Jacob : Hey you
Y/N: Hi

Jacob gives you a 2 second shoulder massage and then let's go with his grip

Kristian looks at Jacob with his hands on you and then ignores

You felt weird about the situation and Thomas realized and kept a watchful eye

Y/N : So you like the same flavor?
Jacob : Defo it's the best not gunna lie 😅
Y/N : I agree 😌
Jacob : 😂

Thomas wanted to break the awkwardness.........

Thomas : OK EVERYONE! Let me review the order
Thomas, Ace and Bryce ~Pepperoni Pizza
Jake and Kristan ~ Meat lovers Pizza
Mia and Tabitha ~ Margarita Pizza
Paige and Jackson~ Hawaiian Pizza
Y/N and Jacob ~ Your fav flavor

Thomas : Have I got everything right ???
Y/N : Are you kidding me ?!
Thomas : What, did I do something wrong ? 😳

Everyone laughs but agrees

Paige : Omg how can we forget 😅
Jackson : Thomas get 4 orders of large dough balls
Thomas : On it 😉

He places the order...........

Mia butts in

Mia : Well Y/N it's tradition that the new member picks the movie we watch for your first night so what is it gunna be 😊

Y/N : oooooh um guys any suggestions ?
Mia : You have to pick it yourself dummy 🤣
Y/N : ok 😅 um how about a Horror

Everyone looked surprised at your choice but hyped 😅

Y/N : Let's test who are the pussies in the house and go with IT Returns Chapter 2 😌
Thomas : Good choice sis, this is going to be funny because we all know that Kristian is going to wet himself
Kristian : Nah ima prove you wrong (he said in a tough yet scared voice)

You look toward Kristan and cup your face with your hands while leaning on the counter

Y/N : You will be fine, trust me but don't hate me if you do piss yourself because it is not my fault if you can't control your bladder 😂

Everyone Giggles

You cutely laugh at Kristian and he smiles back at you 😁 but out of the corner of your eye you saw Jacob leaning on the counter with a jealous look.............. 👀

Mia , Tabitha and Paige observe Jacob's face and already see that he is interested in you 👀😉

Some time goes past and everyone gets into there comfy clothes and gets ready to watch the movie

Ringggg !!!!!

Thomas : Pizza is here

Mia and Thomas grabbed the pizza and paid the delivery guy

Paige : Girl Im starving give it to me 😫
Mia : Wait who's is who's ?! 😂
Jackson : That's a lot of pizza what the heck 😅
Y/N : Omg this food is like a heart attack in a meal ?! 😳👀

Everyone laughed because they find you cute and funny 😂

Y/N : Where are my dough ballz 😌
Thomas : Be patient Y/N!

You look grumpy but in a cute way that Jacob finds adorable

Jacob's POV : I really didn't like that whole situation in the kitchen, I can tell that Kristian was flirting with Y/N and I don't like it ! Aghhh I know I just met her but she's to cute I can't 😢

End of POV

Next Part coming soon dw xx Comment if you like my first story so far 😊 and give me some ideas for future chapters xx 🤍

Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now