Moving In xx

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After your coffee run with the gals you drove back home and met up with the rest of the boys......

Thomas : Right guys were going into the shopping centre to buy Y/N a bed but I u need you guys to create some content
Kristian: On it

You giggled

Thomas : We need to take the truck to fit everything the rest of the cars are at the garage getting checked
Paige : Wait we're only taking the Truck ?!
Thomas : It's the only car we have right now ok
Mia : How are we going to fit ?!
Thomas : Kristian, Bryce, Jake and Ace you guys are in the trunk
Ace : Your kidding me right, AGAIN ?!
Bryce : We almost got in trouble with the cops last time
Ace : AND I almost lost my arm to a tree last time !!
Thomas: Your fault for sticking your arm out the car 😂
Y/N : Who is actually in the car then ?!
Thomas : I'll drive, Mia your in the passenger seat, Jackson, Jacob, Paige, Tabitha and Y/N are in the back
Y/N : Thomas there are only 3 Seats in the back !!!how the fuck is that going to work ?!


Jackson: Paige I guess your on my lap again
Paige : Great 😒 (secretly she was happy)
Tabi : I guess I'm in the middle seat again
Paige : Y/N your on Jacob lap for this one
Y/N : Fine I guess

You Thought 💭 : 🤭 I'm not mad at that

Jacob smiles

Thomas : Right is everyone sorted
Mia : I guess
Thomas : Everyone in the car then

Thomas opened the car and he and Mia got in
Jackson and Jacob opened there doors and hoped in and Tabitha squeezed herself into the middle seat

Jacob sat down while holding your hand and help you get in and Jackson did the same to Paige

You and Paige sat i the boys laps and looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh

Y/N : This feels so illegal !
Mia : Because it is 😂
Thomas : Eh there is no fun when you don't break the rules

Thomas grabbed the blog camera and started filming

Thomas : What's up Welcome back to the Vlog !
So don't ask why but the whole house has squeezed themselves into the truck 😂 We are going shopping for our newest member my sister Y/N

The camera points to you

Y/N : Hai (You blush and cover your face with your hands and everyone else laughs)
Jacob : Your not camera shy are you 😂 ?
Y/N : No ! I just don't know what to say 🤦‍♀️
We are basically buying me a room because have have nothing 😂

Thomas starts driving and just to mess with the guys at the back he increases speed !
Ace : THOMAS WTFFF !!!!!!!

(You here ace screaming from out side)


Jackson : You guys alright back there !
Kristian : SLOW DOWN MOTHERFUCKER I'm about to pass out !
Y/N : Thomas slow down there's police up ahead !
Y/N : Does anyone else feel sick or is it just me 😳
Jacob : Pussy
Y/N : WTF did you just call me

Tabitha and Paige burst out laughing 😂

Jacob : Your fine ok I've got you 😂

He wraps his arms around your waist while Thomas dodged the police

Mia starts filming again and points the camera at you guys

Y/N : I'm Gunna be sick 😂🤭
Jacob : You fine don't worry
Y/N : The Pink drink in my stomach tells me other wise 😂

Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now