Night before xx

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Mia and Y/N got their nails done and the be looking on fleeeek xx 😚🤍

They grabbed a Starbucks and went home you came back home and tabi had brought guests..........

Y/N : Hey ! We're home
Mia : Anyone here ?

You both walked into the kitchen and you saw KOUVR, MICHEAL AND ALEX!
(Previous hype members)

Micheal is Tabi bf xx

Kouvr : Hi gorgeous, how are you doing, aww I missed you so much
Mia : I've been alright I just need some new in my life tho, I want to start a new chapter in my life....

You and Thomas stared at each other and you we holding in your excitement for the next day 🤩🥳

Kouvr : Dw darling something will come when you least expect it, "she winked"
Mia : 😅 ok , aghhh it's so nice to see you all, staying the night ???
Thomas : mhm babe
Mia : Yay 😃 !
Y/N : I forgot to tell you Mia we're all going out to a day trip to the beach tomorrow with everyone !
Mia : I love the beach, Reminds me of home 🥺 aww ily u guys xx

Kouvr and Mia hugged

Mia : Kouvr, Alex, Micheal this is Y/N Thomas's little sister

Both of them walked over to you......

Kouvr : I love this girl I follow you on everything 🤍😚
Y/N : I literally love your content too I've been dying to meet you !
Alex : Nice too meet you Y/N ! It's nice to see my boy Slendie has got luckyyyyy 😂

Jacob walks up and leans on the wall......

Jacob : Still don't know how I scored her 😂

You just giggled and hugged both Kouvr and Alex then walked over to Tabi and Micheal......

Y/N : Tabiiiii I'm so happy for you, Nice to meet you Micheal your content makes me laugh so hard Omg
Micheal : Great to meet you too 😁 !
Tabi : Aww I love that we're all together !
Thomas : everyone chill and get settled in and tonight is movie night with the guests ! 🥳


Ace : Hey guys me and kris will take the bags dw
Kouvr : Thank you guys sm
Kristian : Np

Everyone headed to the living room and chilled until the evening.......

Next part coming soon xx 🤍🤍🤍

Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now