Prank Gone Wrong pt 1

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The next morning you woke up early and met up with your brother in the kitchen........

Thomas : Right Smalls I have an idea (Thomas walked over to the coffee machine)
Y/N : First of all don't call me that, and whats up ?
Thomas : Video idea
Y/N : Ooooh spill
Thomas : Btw anything I tell you I have already discussed with the girls last night, there all on board if you agree to do this
Y/N : Wait I'm the one doing this ?!
Thomas : Long story short your pregnant and we're pranking Jacob
Y/N : 😵‍💫
Thomas : So ?
Y/N : I'm actually down 😂
Thomas : Fuck yes, Jacob always says he's gunna be a better dad then me so let's see how he reacts
Y/N : One thing tho
Thomas : What
Y/N : Buy me 2 chick fil A sandwiches
Thomas : Why ?
Y/N : You said I'm gunna be pregnant so I have to look like I'm couple weeks along if u know what I'm saying
Thomas : Huh
Mia : When girl eat fast food we get bloated 😂
Y/N : Facts

Mia walked into the kitchen from the living room

Thomas : Rightttt
Mia : So love ur down
Y/N : Hell yes
Mia : Oh this is gunna be sooooo goooood, ima go tell the girls
Y/N : Keep it discrete
Mia : Missing prank slendie is a go
You and Thomas : 😂😂😂


You and the girls headed to target to grab a pregnancy test.........

Paige : Hold on a minute we didn't think this through
Tabi : The test needs to be positive 💀
Mia : Crap
Y/N : Wait I just remembered I have a friend from high school, she's having a baby, I could call her and ask if she could take the test for us
Mia : Ooh great idea

You called a friend

Y/N : Hey Amy I have a question to ask you...........

You explained the whole situation to her

Amy : Ooooh girl sure, keep me updated on how Jacob reacts
Y/N : Alexa your the best love you and see u in 10
Amy : By girl xx
Y/N : Cya

Ended the call

Paige : What's she say ?😊
Y/N : She said she will do it
Tabi : Oh hell yes
Mia : Mission prank Jacob is a go

Back at the house

Before you left to target you discussed the plan with Thomas........

Thomas : Hey guys come here one sec
Ace : What's up
Bryce : Anything serious
Jacob : What's going on mate
Thomas : I really worried about Y/N, I mean she came down this morning and I made her a coffee and she ran to the bathroom and threw up
Jacob : Why didn't u tell me ?!
Thomas : She denied everything thing that had happened but I'm worried
Kristian : Is she sick ?
Jack : She might be hiding something
Jake : It's not like Y/N to keep secrets she usually the one spreading them 🙄
Bryce : True tho
Jacob : Where is she
Thomas : Starbucks with the girls
Kristian : they left bout 40 mins ago
Bryce : Well if she's out I'm sure she alright, right ?
Thomas : Can you all just keep an eye on her, I don't know if her mental health is effecting her but she wasn't herself even bear noticed something I was nudging her legs like he was warning her of something
Jacob's thought 💭 : Something is wrong it's not like Y/N to be this cold, I need to get to the bottom of this........

Back with the girls

Mia : Which ones her house
Y/N : Just this one up here to the right
Paige : Damn ok
Y/N : We're here

Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now