Midnight Whispers

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You had woken up randomly in the middle of the night, you checked your phone the time was 3:47 am you were in Jacob's arms still but you quickly wanted to stretch because your muscles were getting a bit tense..............

Jacob's POV : I had never really actually fallen asleep, I was just taking in the moment were she was safe in my arms at last 🖤☺️🖤

About 2 hours passed and I was able to shut my eyes for a while when I felt Y/N wriggling in my arms, she's so cute 😅 I can't..............

End of POV

Jacob Whispered: Babe ?
Y/N Whispered: Mhm ☺️
Jacob : You are awake 😂
Y/N : I woke up randomly and now I can't sleep
Jacob : I Have an idea
Y/N : What is it 😅
Jacob : Just you and me time
Y/N : I like the sound of that tbh 😅 what are you thinking ?
Jacob : Grab a bikini and a towel
Y/N : Wait what 😂
Jacob : I wanna go in the hot tub, I haven't been in it since u arrived, because I had no one to hang with, but now I have the best hot tub companion 😊🖤
Y/N : Aww 🥺, great idea but
Jacob : Ik baby, but I'm here and nobody is going to harm you it's a beautiful night 🖤
Y/N : Ok 😅
Jacob : Here

You got off Jacob's lap and you both got up, you creeped toward the door

Jacob : Crap what's the code
Y/N : Shit, are we trapped in here ? 😅
Jacob : Any code that's could work ?

You stepped towards the door and pushed in
Thomas's IPhone code, the door flew open

Jacob : Well that was surprising easy 😂
Y/N : He should really change that 😂

You both walked through the door and got out through Thomas's office

Jacob : I'll let you get changed, if we just chill we can watch the sunrise together
Y/N : True, I'll be about 10
Jacob : I'll meet you in your room

You walked into the haul and up the stairs

Y/N : See you in a sec
Jacob : K babe

You walked into your room and turned on your led lights for a little bit of a mood

Y/N : The question is which bikini ???

You shuffled through your new wardrobe and pulled out a cute bikini

Y/N : Ooh I like this one

You walked into your bathroom and through up your hair into a claw clip and you slipped on your bikini

Y/N : Jacob better not get any ideas, he's gunna find it hard 😅

You looked stunning :

You looked stunning :

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Y/N : Eh I guess this is fine 😅🤍

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Y/N : Eh I guess this is fine 😅🤍

To walk outside you quickly grabbed one of Jacob's hoodies that was lying on your bedroom floor and some pants........

To walk outside you quickly grabbed one of Jacob's hoodies that was lying on your bedroom floor and some pants

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You walked back into the bathroom and grabbed a towel that was hanging off one of the bathroom hooks

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You walked back into the bathroom and grabbed a towel that was hanging off one of the bathroom hooks...........

Jacob's POV : Y/N walked into her room and I walked into mine, I changed my boxers random swim wear laying on the bathroom floor, I brushed up my hair although I looked like shit, seriously how is she attracted to me I don't understand 😅, I just laid on the bed and checked my phone for a couple minutes to give Y/N some time to get ready........

I grabbed a towel and put on some pants, I walked down the hall and entered Y/N's room

End of POV

Jacob : Babe ?

I turned around, and Jacob was ready but the door

Y/N : Hey u ready
Jacob : Mhm U ?
Y/N : Let's go, my muscles are so stiff I really need this
Jacob : Here let's go

Jacob offered out his hand and you grabbed it, he suddenly lifted you up onto his back to carry you

Y/N : Babe 😂
Jacob : I'll carry you
Y/N : I can walk u know
Jacob : But you said your muscles were sore
Y/N : They really are lol 😅 thank you
Jacob : Let's go

Jacob with ease carried you all the way down the stairs along with both your towels and dropped you off by the side door........

You had no shoes so you just slipped on Mia's slides that were placed by the door, Jacob put in his sneakers that were for some reason waiting by the door........

Jacob : I just need to open the door one sec
Y/N : kk

Jacob entered in the main code and the door made a slight beeping noise and clicked open.........

Jacob opened the door and slightly closed it as quietly as he could

You both walked outside, there air was thin and cold but fresh

Y/N : This is great, I never knew the sky was so pretty at night

You both looked up at the sky and the stars were out, so romantic 🤍🤍🤍

Jacob came up behind you and picked you up again

Y/N : Ahhh baby 😅
Jacob : We can stare at the sky in the hot tub let's go 😂
Y/N : True 🤍😂

Pt coming rlly soon xx

Ily u guys xx 🤍

Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now