Replaced xx

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Jacob : Who tf took my sweats ?!


Jacob : BABE !!!!!!!!!

You don't respond because your too busy laughing your ass off 🤣

The rest of the house started laughing down the halls

Thomas : Ayo what's going on down there ?!

You heard his voice echo down the halls

Jacob : Y/N took my fucking sweats ! 🤬
Ace : Aha good one Y/N
Y/N : Hey wasn't me 🤭😂
Jacob : Then who was it, Bear ?

He said sarcastically

Y/N : Actually Yh it was 💀😳🤣

Everyone started laughing

Bryce : Ay we taught him well jack 🤣
Jack : Can't believe that fucking worked 🤣
Jacob : Bro wtf
Tabi : I bet Y/N is wearing them, are u love
Y/N : Eh maybe 🤭

Everyone : 🤣🤣🤣

Kristian : Guess someone is sleeping in their boxers tonight 😳🤣
Jake : This is to funny 😆
Mia : Jacob you don't only wear one pair of sweats just grab another set mate
Bryce : He handed his clothes into dry cleaning this morning 🤣🤣🤣

Everyone : 🤭🤣🤣🤣

Kristian : Hey Jacob just borrow a pair of Y/N's Sweats there perfect 😂
Jacob : Seriously not funny guys, Y/N we are going to chat about this
Y/N : Eh leave it for now baby 🤭😂


Thomas : Right night gang it's really late
Mia : Busy day tmr guys, sleep well 😊
Paige : Y/N u feeling ok ?
Y/N : Yh just a bit tired tbh

You said sleepily

Tabi : Rest well gang
Thomas : Nightttt !

Everyone shut their bedroom doors and said good night to each other xx

While Jacob entered your room in his boxers

Jacob : Baby what the actual fuck, this is a problem u have your own XXL SWEATS WEAR THOSE I LITERALLY HAVE NOTHING TO SLEEP IN !
Y/N : But mine don't smell like you 🥺😂
Y/N : Just tonight ok please 🥺
Jacob : Only tonight and that's it, then I need them back tomorrow morning before we leave
Y/N : Fine

You Pulled up the covers to your neck and rolled over into bear's side

Jacob : Ok now buddy you have to move that's mine

Bear quietly growled at Jacob

Y/N: 🤣🤣🤣 Looks like you have been replaced
Jacob : Bear move now

Bear stayed put in Jacob's stop and glared at his like he was protecting you

Jacob : Don't look at me like that ok she was mine before yours and that is my spot, you can literally sit anywhere else

Bear didn't move

Y/N : He's happy here I think 🤣
Jacob : So you would rather him then me

Jacob pouted 🥺 in a kid like manner

Y/N : Ok do not start this shit now 🙄

Jacob looked so stupid just standing by the bed in his boxers you couldn't take him seriously

He was so Attractive yet Childish at the same time that just doesn't add up 😂

Y/N : Bear honey move the other side of me I'll still cuddle you, Your daddy needs some where to sleep

Bear looked upset but did as he was told and moved to your left

Jacob was still stood there

You sighed as Jacob rubbed his face then brushed back his hair

Y/N : Sorry baby I'll give u your sweatpants
Jacob : Thank u 😓

You slid off the sweats and Jacob put them on, he remained shirtless and got into bed with you......

You turned to face the other way so bear would still get the attention he wanted

You stroked his back and Jacob big spooned you from behind xx 🖤🖤🖤

Jacob : Love you baby
Y/N : Love you to ok

Jacob kissed the back of your neck and immediately fell asleep

You kept stroking bear.......

Y/N Whispered : He still loves you buddy ok, But that's your daddy's spot and he gets angry when you take it

Bear just looked at you

Y/N : Love you too xx

You all fell asleep xx

A big chapter is on the way xx I hope you enjoyed this part, I will be updating my Bryce fan fic very soon so stay tuned xx I love u Angels so much and I really hope you like my story Ilysm xx

Tori xx 🤍🤍🤍

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