Morning After

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Jacob woke up with you onto of his bare chest..........your hair covered his face and he giggled

Jacob : Ah baby 😅 (he whispered to himself)

He lifted you completely onto him and started patting your hair while the other hand laid on your lower back............

You both laid there for about 20 mins then you woke up feeling less sore then yesterday

Y/N : mmm

Jacob looked down at you

Jacob : U ok hon ?
Y/N : Morning

Jacob wrapped both his arms around your back a he started kissing you in the cheek then onto your lips

Jacob's POV : Her beautiful morning face lit up the room and I knew she was safe with me, she had calmed down since last night, but because so much has happened in the past 24 hours all my attention is on her.......I can't help but feel worried for her, she hid her feelings so well that I'm torn up about what she feels inside.........I can't let her worry.........I need to put on a brave face

End of POV

The curtains were half drawn back and the morning light beamed on the two of you........

Jacob : Morning sleepy baby
Y/N : 😪😴
Jacob : We can stay in today if you want

You knodded your head

Jacob : How about we get changed into something comfy and I'll make breakfast 😊

Y/N : Mhm 😴
Jacob : Did you listen to anything I just said 😂😅
Y/N : I'm hungry 😞
Jacob : Ok then 😂

He carefully lifted you up and placed you on the other side of the bed, you sat up but your eyes were still shut and the large blanket was still covering your shoulders

Jacob : What you wearing today babe ?

He turned as saw your face buried into the covers

Y/N : Mhmmhnanan
Jacob : I don't speak blanket babe 😂

You lifted your tired eyes and said.........

Y/N : Pick for me 😴
Jacob : Oooh ok 😏

He winked

Y/N : Don't even think about it 😒
Jacob : 😂
Y/N : I'm not in the mood baby ok 😮‍💨😅
Jacob : Let me grab your stuff 😅

He looked through your closet and pick out this.......

He brought it back and he sat down with you on the bed

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He brought it back and he sat down with you on the bed.......

Y/N : Can you help me 😓
Jacob : I got you

You nervously took off your hoodie and your body was still bruised..........

You were topless and lifted your arms so Jacob could help you put on the top

His eyes scanned you up and down not in a freaky way but like he had reassurance in his eyes

Jacob's POV : How could someone do this to her o don't understand, she's such a fighter........

End of POV

You looked at you bruises and every one you looked at made you sad and weak on this inside and outside

Jacob : You ok babe, just the joggers now ok ☺️

You took off the pj's you had on and you slid on the joggers

Y/N : Oww
Jacob : What's wrong 😰
Y/N : Cramp 😅
Jacob : Poor baby 😔
Y/N : It's ok 😓

Once you were dressed Jacob got up and put on his evening hoodie from yesterday and approached you in the bed again while rubbing his eyes and looking past you so you couldn't see his face

Jacob : I need to tell you something

His expression changed from a reassuring boyfriend to a nervous wreck

You looked at his face in worry

Y/N : Mhm 😕
Jacob : I love you........... (his eyes started watering)
Y/N : 🥺 babe

He fell onto the bed on his side and covered his face with his hands

Y/N : Baby.............

Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now