First Week

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You have been at the hype house for a week now and you have been settling in nicely, everyone looks at you as a younger sister 🤍 except Jacob, everyday you guys have been hanging out and have created such a cute bond

6:30 am

You woke up really early today for some reason you decided to just get up and be productive you had a nice relaxing shower and did your skincare and makeup and got changed into a cute work out set

You woke up really early today for some reason you decided to just get up and be productive you had a nice relaxing shower and did your skincare and makeup and got changed into a cute work out set

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You put your hair into a high pony and walked downstairs and you were surprised to see Jacob already downstairs making breakfast........

Y/N : Hey you
Jacob : Your up ?!
Y/N : Mhm morning 😂

Jacob was just cutting up so avocados and you come behind him and give him a warm morning hug.......

Y/N : What you making ?
Jacob : Avocado toast 😅
Y/N : Can you make me one (you look up at him) please ?

Jacob looked down at you 
Jacob : Sure no problem, I'll make you a coffee if you want
Y/N : Nah it's ok ima get a Starbucks later if you wanna join me
Jacob : You would rather have a Starbucks then my expertly home made coffee, meanie

Jacob pouts his lips and turns to ignore you

Y/N : Hey look at me 😂

He ignores you

Y/N : Fine then forget about me

You walk away and suddenly feel someone chase after you

Jacob : Come back here 😂

You start running around the kitchen island with Jacob chasing after you

Y/N : STOPP 😂😂😂

Jacob stares you down with a smirk 😏 across from the other side of the island

Jacob : Your not getting out of this 😂
Y/N : Noooo

Jacob picks up speed and starts chasing you again

Y/N : Ahhhhhh you to fast 😂
Jacob : Come here 😂

He chases you around the dinner table completely forgetting about your breakfast and suddenly catches up, picks you up off the ground with ease and throws you on the lounge chair, as he piles on top of you

Y/N : Get off 😂😂😂
Jacob : Your not going anywhere 😂😂😂
He pins you down but your still laughing so hard 😂
Y/N : Jacob FINE I'll have a coffee then
Jacob : You don't deserve one of my coffees after this 😌
Y/N : OMG Piss off and get off me 😂

As his arms became weak from laughing so hard that he laid on top of you

He looked at you with his crystal blue eyes and your eyes met and held contact for what seemed like forever, your faces were only a few inches apart when he......


Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now