Late Mornings xx

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10:35 am

You woke up to see Jacob still had his arms wrapped around you tightly ☺️, Thing is tho with all the squeezing you couldn't breath 😂.........

You attempted to get Jacob's arms off of you but then all of a sudden...........

Jacob : No you are not going anywhere 😌
Y/N : I need to freaking breath Jacob I'm going to pass out ! 😳
Jacob : Fine 😒
Jacob let go and started acting like a child 😒 he turned around and said.........

Jacob : You ruined the moment thanks for that (he said stubbornly)
Y/N : I'm sowy ok (you said in a cute way)
Jacob : I'm not ready to get up yet 😫(he complained)
Y/N : Jacob it's half 10 you need to get up, at least brush your teeth please
Jacob : Are you saying......
Y/N : We'll...........maybe 🤭

He ignored you, still being stubborn 😒

Y/N : Fine if your gunna act like a child I'm leaving, see you downstairs J
Jacob : Fine
Y/N : Byeeee (you started walking towards the door and Jacob suddenly jumped up)
Jacob : 😢 Wait your actually leaving
Y/N : Mhm, why do you miss me already 🥺
Jacob : Nvm (he tried to act like he's not hurt but he is 😂)
Y/N : Suit yourself then 😂 ima go get changed
Jacob just sat up in the bed watching you leave with an annoyed look on his face, and it's priceless 😂😂

You head to your room and open the door you had a look in the few clothes you had and picked out a cute fit for the day.....

You head to your room and open the door you had a look in the few clothes you had and picked out a cute fit for the day

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Your outfit 🤍

You walked downstairs and saw all the girls the kitchen so I joined them on the table

Mia : Spill
Y/N : Ok jeez yes he hot I guess 🤭
Tabi : He's head over heals for you already, you can see it in his eyes 🥰
Mia : Sooooo what happened last night then, did you end up sleeping in his bed 🤔
Y/N : Mhm
Paige : Where did he sleep huh
Y/N : um
Tabi : You slept in the same bed ?! ALREADY
Y/N : JEEZ nothing really happened we basically chatted, hugged and when to sleep then I got out of bed and got changed in my room and now I'm here
Paige : I know your not telling us the whole story girlie 😂 Spilll allll the teaaaaa !
Y/N : Fine he basically opened up about his past and I comforted him by a hug and he fell asleep on my chest
Mia : Awwwww I mean I'm not surprised, hugs with tall guys are superior ☺️ and when they show there soft side they just get 10 times more attractive !!
Y/N : I agree 🤭 thing is tho he was shirtless 😳
Tabi : You liked what you saw didn't you 😏
Y/N : Um maybe 🤭
Paige : Well it could be yours if you make a move 😏
Y/N : I have known him for less then 24 hours ! I can't that early ?!
Tabi : Well in this scenario love at first sight is truly real 🥰

You Blush

Paige : Awww baby your blushing ☺️
Y/N : Stoooppppp ok he's coming
Mia : Oh this is gunna be good, Tabi get the popcorn
Tabi : Already on it
Y/N : Jeez guys um not doing anything ok don't get your hopes up 😒
Mia : Party Pooper !
Y/N : Shush

Jacob walks into the kitchen looking like he just got out of bed but he had put a hoodie on.......

Jacob : I'm still mad at you (he walks past)

But you giggle

Y/N : Oh come on stop being a child
Jacob : I'm not being a child ok stop messing with me 😒

He walks up to you and you hold eye contact for 10 seconds then burst out laughing 😂

Jacob : Stoppp ok 😅 ima make a protein shake

Tabi, Mia and Paige all look soooo confused but excited about what just happened.......

Mia walks sits next to you and whispers in your ear

Mia : He had NEVER EVER talked to anyone when he gets his morning shake he usually looks like he has been hit by a frying pan 😅 and is super grumpy and moody in the morning........

Mia : He's so into you girl.......
Y/N : We will see 😏

I'm so sorry this chapter is short but it's currently 2:30 am for me and I'm sooo tired lol 😂 I'll update in the morning and afternoon xx

If your reading this : Ilysm xx If you are enjoying this I would love to get my first follower so please follow and more juicy and spicy content is on the way xx 🤍

Bad Decisions xx Jacob Day FFWhere stories live. Discover now