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bella's pov

i walked downstairs after my shower and saw mom passed out on the floor.

"holy shit!" i yelled as i ran and flipped mom over to start preforming CPR.

"siri, call 911." i spoke calmly.

after 2 rings, i heard a voice, "this is 911, what and where is your emergency?"

"hello. my name is bella miller, my mom jenna miller, is passed out on the floor." i spoke in between breathes.

"okay. what's your address and does your mom have any underlying conditions or medications she's on?" the male voice spoke.

"my address is 120 marlene road and she has coronary artery disease, she is on ACE's and ARB's." i spoke.

"okay. the ambulance is on its way. are you CPR certified?" the operator asked.

"yes i am! ever since my mom was diagnosed with CAT." i spoke while counting in my head.

i heard the door knob move and i yelled, "just bust open the door! it's locked! i'm preforming CPR at the moment, i can't come!"

all of a sudden i heard a big crack at two paramedics run in.

"we heard what she was on. we need to get to the hospital fast." he spoke quickly as the moved mom onto a stretcher.

i ran behind them with tears gathered up in my eyes. goddamnit why was i going to cry?

i got into the back of the ambulance with the two men and we drove off. soon enough we arrived at the hospital and i quickly hopped off after the paramedics.

"what do we got?" a male doctor with longer blonde hair and blue eyes asked.

"we have a woman in her 50's who's suffering from coronary artery disease and is on ACE's and ARB's. we also have her 16 year old daughter who preformed CPR on here for a couple minutes." the paramedic spoke.

"got it. page dr. hood and irwin. hey love, i'm going to need you to go wait in the waiting room. i'll come get you as soon as i'm done." luke spoke while focusing on my mom.

i quickly got out of them room and walked to the waiting room. i sat down on the seat and tucked my knees up near my chest. i felt a wave of emotions in the back of my throat but no way in hell i was going to cry.

i felt someone sit next to me and looked up to see two men, one with dark brown hair who looked asian and the other with shorter curly hair and gorgeous eyes.

"um, who are you?" i asked while staring at them puzzled.

"oh! my name is dr. calum hood and this is dr. ashton irwin. we are friends of the person, dr. luke hemmings, who's working on your mom. we were paged to check up on you." calum spoke softly.

"oh. well, im fine thanks anyways." i spoke quickly as i pulled my sleeves over my hands.

"i'm sure a lot is going through your head right now. we just want to talk." ashton pointed out.

"once again, i'm fine. thanks anyways." i spoke as i stood up to walk away.

"woah you're bleeding?" calum spoke as he grabbed my hand gently.

i looked down and saw blood on my sleeve. oh god no.

"i cut my arm yesterday while making dinner. i'm fine. i'm going to the restroom." i spoke quickly as i stood up.

i rushed off to the bathroom and quickly rolled up my sleeve and took the gauze off. there lied my biggest secret. the deadly habit i could never rid myself of completely.

i quickly washed my arm off and rewrapped my arm with the gauze i brought from home.

calum's pov

"did she seem extremely nervous to you?" i asked.

"not just nervous, but very emotionally unstable. she didn't show it, but i could see the shakiness in her eyes." ashton responded.

"hm, i don't buy the whole cut my arm while cooking act." i spoke.

"i don't either, but working with teens is hard. they don't open up that quickly. once we gain her trust, we can bring it up." ashton spoke slowly.

"but what if she is doing what mali did?" i spoke quickly.

"then we will handle it once we are 100% sure that's what's going on and know her as a person more." ashton spoke swiftly.

i nodded in response and stared off in the direction that she went in.

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