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i was woken up by luke who was gently shaking my shoulder.

"hey baby, she's okay. she's stable. i didn't have a chance to ask if she wanted to see you. i'm sorry." he whispered.

"i-it's not your fault." i yawned.

i checked my phone and saw it was 3 am.

"you guys can head home if you want." i pointed out.

"don't you have work tomorrow?" i asked.

"we do, but you're coming home with us right?" luke asked.

"i'd prefer to stay here in case anything happens overnight." i mumbled.

luke stood there quietly before pulling out his phone. "let me check with cal."

i nodded.

soon enough i heard running footsteps in my direction.

"you want to stay the night?" calum asked as he stood in front of me.

"if i can yeah. i don't want to leave." i whispered.

"i- "i think that's okay." ashton spoke as he walked up from behind calum.

"michael's by the car. i think it's fine." ashton spoke as he stared at calum.

"but what if something happens?" calum stressed.

"cal, she's in a hospital. nothings going to happen." luke spoke swiftly.

calum slowly nodded before turning in my direction, "if anything happens you call me or any of the boys immediately. understood?"

i nodded before putting my head down on my hand.

"i love you pretty girl." calum whispered as he bent down to give me a hug.

"i love you too." i whispered back as i hugged him.

"bye ash and luke." i waved lightly as they all walked away.

as soon as they were out of sight i slowly stood up and went to go wander the hospital. i knew i wouldn't be able to sleep anymore.

i was on the ICU floor and was wandering the halls when all of a sudden i heard a sickly familiar voice.

i hid behind the wall and saw the man who made my life a living hell standing in front of a room.

brad. the man who raped me when i was a child.

i tried to run away as he came walking in my direction, but i wasn't quick enough.

"bella is that you?" he asked.

i shakily turned around and faced him. "h-hi." i stuttered.

"no need to be nervous! we go way back! how are you!" he asked as if nothing ever happened in the past.

"fine. my mom gave up custody of me and i'm now someone else's  daughter and would appreciate if you left me alone." i spoke as firmly as i could.

"come on now dear, don't treat an old friend like that. we had such fun times in the past." he laughed.

"fuck off." i mumbled as i turned around just for him to grab my wrist. i felt myself freeze and whirl around.

"don't speak to me like that." brad spoke firmly. "you're even more pretty now that your grown up." he whispered as he touched my waist.

i froze and felt tears gather in my eyes.

"i need to use the restroom. let go or i'll scream." i spoke firmly.

he let go and i quickly ran away into the restroom. i shut the door behind me and looked into the mirror.

i looked terrible, i had dark circles under my eyes and mascara stains.

i heard the bathroom door open and whirled around to see brad standing there.

"finally, we can have some privacy." he chuckled as he locked the bathroom door.

i quickly pulled out my phone and went to dial calum's number, only for him to grab it and slap it out of my hands.


he grabbed my face and pushed me up against the counter.

"scream and i'll knock your teeth out and kill your mother." he spit as he began to touch my body.

i felt myself freezing up as the tears began to trickle down my face.

"oh princess, pretty girls don't cry." brad whispered as he wiped my tears away.

he grabbed me and pushed me up against the counter bent over.

i started to fight him only to be slapped in the face.

he pulled my pants down and messed with his belt before i felt a sharp pain enter my body.

i began to cry as he moved in and out. i wanted to fight and scream, but i couldn't move.

after 10 minutes he was done and quickly cleaned himself up.

"tell a soul and trust me. you'll regret it. thanks for the good time." he whispered as he exited the bathroom.

i felt my legs turn to jelly as i collapsed onto the floor.

it hurt, it hurt so bad.

i looked down to see blood and quickly tried to clean it up, but it wouldn't stop.

i gently grabbed my phone and dialed calum's number.

after a couple rings i heard a groggy, "hello?"

i sat there sniffling for a few seconds before calum asked, "baby? are you crying? what's wrong?"

"i-i need you."

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