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"i say this with as much respect as possible, i don't give a fuck if you believe me or not." i spoke as i walked out of the room.

who the hell does he think he is. he doesn't know me, so why the fuck is he even trying?

deep down i know i needed help. i knew this habit was going to kill me one way or another. the only reason i'm not willing to get help is because i've come to terms with death. i'm not scared of dying.

if i'm being completely honest i don't plan on living past the death of my mom.

i sat down on the bathroom floor and felt tears come into my eyes.

before i knew it i was full on sobbing in the bathroom.

i stood up and looked at myself in the mirror and rapidly tried to wipe away tears.

"for fucks sake bella, stop crying." i muttered to myself.

i heard a knock on the door and immediately froze.

"i know you're in there bella. look i'm sorry, i shouldn't have said what i said, but i'm just concerned." i heard calum speak from outside the bathroom.

"j-just go a-away please and g-give me 5 m-minutes." i spoke as smoothly as i could.

"b- "calum give her 5." i heard michael speak.

i quickly turned the water on and splashed water on my face.

i grabbed a paper towel and dried it off. i looked like hell, my braided hair was frizzy and my eyes were completely bloodshot and puffy.

i sighed before walking out of the restroom and back towards mom's room.

i walked in and saw luke standing there with a tiny smile, "she woke up and was asking for you."

i quickly rushed to her side and said, "mom oh my gosh. are you okay?" i spoke as tears gathered in my already puffy eyes.

"h-hey baby, i'm doing okay. just feel very tired. luke told me you did CPR on me, i'm sorry i put you through that love." she mumbled.

"don't apologize. i became CPR certified for a reason." i spoke lightly.

"oh my gosh, i almost called a code pink." calum spoke as he walked in with michael right behind.

i glared at him, "you're stalking me."

calum looked at me with shock, "me stalking you? i'm just trying to be- "by following me? sure doctor whatever you say." i spoke with a glare.

"i- "calum let's go round on patients!" michael interrupted and dragged him out of the room.

i smiled in my head. i saw mom stare at me, "why's he searching for you?" she asked.

"no clue." i lied with a fake smile.

mom gave me a look and glanced over at luke, "so what do i need to do now?" she asked.

"i'm going to keep you in patient because your heart is way too weak. i want to wait and see if you can get a transplant." luke replied.

mom nodded, "bella honey, could you go grab me some food?" she asked.

i nodded and left the room.

luke's pov

"so why did that doctor come looking for my daughter?" jenna asked.

before i could answer calum walked in.

"look i'm not stalking your daughter. i'm just concerned she might be doing some self destructive behavior." he spoke quickly.

"i know. she self harms. i just don't have the money to help her. i tried to stop her when i first found out, but she just lashed out at me and continued to do it anyways. my heart condition made everything harder." she whispered.

"excuse me, i don't want to come off rude, but she needs some serious help. if she's really self harming, then she needs help." i spoke slowly.

"what the hell do you think your doing." i heard a voice behind me and i spun around to see bella standing there with food in her hands.

"baby, i'm sorr- "save it." bella spit as she placed the food down and ran out.

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