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bella's pov

i was wheeled into an office slowly by the nurse.

"i just can't catch a break." i mumbled.

"i know honey. i'm sorry." the nurse mumbled as she left the room.

"hey darling, my name is dr. medow's. i'm so sorry for what just happened. i'll go as slow as you would like me too." she spoke with a sympathetic smile as she held me up on the bed.

"it hurt so bad." i spoke with tears running down my face.

all she could do was give me a super sad look.

"could you put your legs up on these stir ups?" she asked.

i slowly moved my legs up and she paused before saying, "all i'm going to do is take a look." she whispered before looking down.

she popped her head back up after a few minutes.

"so, i can imagine it hurt a lot because so much is ripped. i'm going to need to do a few stitches okay?" she spoke slowly.

"just be gentle please." i spoke with tears running down my face. i couldn't stop crying.

"of course sweetie." she whispered as she went to go grab a numbing shot, thread, and needle.

she came back in and gave me the shot before beginning to stitch up the torn skin.

"i-i'm sorry." i stuttered out suddenly.

"bella. you have nothing to be sorry for. this, excuse my language, son of a bitch should burn in hell for what he did." dr. medow's spoke with a quiver to her own voice.

"you're all done. you can sit up now. i need to go talk to dr. hood, but i'll be back." she smiled softly.

"can you send a nurse in? i don't want to be alone." i spoke softly.

"of course honey." she replied before exiting the room.

calum's pov

i saw dr. medow's leaving the room and approaching ashton and i.

"whoever did this was so rough. she's going to be in a lot of pain the next couple days. he ripped up so much skin. this is one of the worst torn skin cases i've ever had to deal with." she spoke softly with tears in her eyes.

i felt my hands balling into fists again. i wanted to kill this monster.

"ashton knows this because i'm sure he's had to help rape victims in the past, but she's going to be different for a little bit. rape kills a part of you, i've never had a patient who came back in the same as they were before after the incident." dr. medow's spoke slowly.

"understood." i replied.

"thank you for coming in." ashton replied.

"of course. she'll need to come back in maybe in 3 weeks for me to remove the stitches." she spoke before walking off.

i checked my phone and saw it was 7 am.

"i'm going to update luke and michael. go be with her." ashton spoke before walking off.

bella's pov

i slowly heard the door open and started to wipe my tears away.

the nurse who was waiting with me quickly left the room and leaving calum and i face to face.

"i-i can't stop crying. it's so stupid." i mumbled as i wiped the never ending tears that were falling down my face.

"if you weren't crying i would be a lot more concerned." calum replied.

"i feel so dirty and disgusting right now. i just want to shower." i sobbed into my hands.

"baby if you don't stop crying, you're going to become dehydrated." calum added lightly.

i looked up at him slowly with blood shot eyes and asked quietly, "can you hug me?"

calum didn't even respond and brought me in for a hug. he had his hand on my hair and was holding me as if i was going to slip away.

i began to cry into his chest and mumble how it was just not fucking fair.

"you're right it's not. i'm sorry baby. you're okay." he kept repeating as he held me close.

i soon felt myself calming down and slowly but surely fell asleep.

calum's pov

i looked at the girl, my daughter, in my hands and felt so bad. she looked so broken.

i picked her up slowly and went to my office where michael and luke were waiting.

"jeez, you look terrible." luke spoke softly as he stared at me.

"not worse than her." i pointed out as i laid bella down in the bed.

"she's going to be okay. she's a fighter." michael spoke.

"i really hope so, i don't know how much more she can take."

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