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after swimming for a few minutes and calum still not joining us. luke, michael and ashton made a plan to drag him into the ocean.

"bella. you're on recording duty." ashton spoke as he motioned for me to grab my phone.

i nodded and walked up to grab it. i looked over and saw calum was sleeping and gave them the thumbs up.

i started recording when ashton grabbed his arms, luke and michael each took a leg before running off to the ocean.

i followed behind them running before they dropped him in the water.

"holy fuck! that's cold!" he yelled as he jumped up.

"calum calum, before you get mad, if we asked you to come in would you have?" ashton asked.

"probably not." he replied.

"so we good?" michael asked with a smile.

calum glared at him before nodding slightly.

we all swam around in the water until sunset.

i dried off and pulled on my dress before standing up to take a picture.

"it's beautiful." i smiled.

"it sure is." calum replied as he stood next to me.

we quickly gathered our stuff before heading back to the car.

"so, we have a tradition that you are now apart of. every time we head out to the beach, we go to the best ice cream place on the planet." ashton smiled.

"bet." i spoke with a soft smile.

"what the fuck does bet me?" calum asked as he spun around.

"it's okay cal. i know you're old." i sighed.

"whatever." he spoke as he spun back around.

we drove off to a hole in the wall ice cream shop. we walked inside and the lady immediately recognized the boys.

"ashton sweetheart!" she smiled as she slowly walked from behind the counter and gave him a hug.

"hello mrs. geovani!" ashton smiled as he gave her a tight hug.

"who might this be?" she asked as she looked at me.

"this is my adopted daughter, bella." calum spoke as he put an arm around my shoulder.

"any daughter of these boys is a friend of mine." mrs. geovani smiled as she pulled me in for a hug.

i hugged her back. it reminded me of my mom.

we quickly ordered our ice cream flavors, and they were not lying when they said this was the best ice cream.

it was spectacular.

we all said our goodbye's before heading off back home.

during the ride, luke's phone began to ring.

"hello?" he asked.

after a couple minutes he replied, "okay, can i ask who the patient is? i'll be coming in. have dr. harven handle it for now."

luke quickly hung up the phone.

"we've got to speed home. i have a patient in the hospital that's not doing so well." luke spoke nervously.

"who is it?" i asked.

luke gave calum a look before looking at me.

"don't freak out." he spoke softly.

"it's my mom isn't it?" i asked.

"i'm sorry bella, she left the hospital against medical advice and she ended up right back where she started but worse." luke spoke with sympathy.

i nodded.

"can i go with you?" i asked.

"i don't know if she's going to want to see you." luke spoke quickly.

"can i go please? i won't go near her if she doesn't. i just don't want to be at home in case she. yeah." i mumbled.

"i'll go with her." calum offered.

"i'm sure i'll be called in either way." ashton added.

"so, we're all going to the hospital tonight?" michael finished.

"looks like it." calum spoke gently.

the rest of the drive home was silent and awkward. i felt like digging myself in a hole and never coming up again.

we arrived home and i quickly changed into a hoodie and sweats before running downstairs to see all of the boys in their scrubs.

we floored it to the hospital where luke ran out while the rest of us went to park the car.

we walked to the entrance before i froze suddenly.

calum stopped and walked back and bent down to my level.

"what's wrong? are you okay?" he asked as he placed his hands on either side of me.

"i'm just scared cal." i whispered.

"we can go home if you want." he spoke gently.

"not a chance." i replied as i pushed myself forward.

i entered the hospital and immediately felt sick.

the smell to the white lights made me feel like throwing up.

calum waited with me down in the waiting room before he got paged to his patient not doing so well.

michael and ashton left a while ago to go attend to their own patients and i was all alone.

i pulled my knees up to my chest and felt tears slowly fill my eyes.

she abandoned me, yet i cared so much if she was dead or alive.

crazy how love works right?

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