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i woke up the next morning in the guest room. someone must've carried me after i knocked out during the movie.

i grabbed my phone and saw the time was 5:00 in the morning.

i grabbed the blanket from the bed and walked down the stairs slowly and laid on the couch. in a matter of seconds i was fast asleep.

i woke up a couple hours later to a slight chuckle from beside me.

i opened my eyes and saw calum sitting there.

"hey princess." he smiled lightly.

"hi." i mumbled into the couch.

i sat up and noticed blood on my blanket and immediately shot up.

calum stood up right next to me looking panicked.

"what's wrong??" he asked quickly.

"blood." i pointed out.

calum looked and saw a huge amount of blood on the blanket.

"did you start your period?" he asked.

"i know you didn't just ask that." i spoke slowly.

"baby i'm a doctor." he chuckled.

"no, i don't start for another week." i spoke simply.

then i remember. my fucking hand.

i quickly glanced down at my hand and noticed the dried blood.

"oh it's from this." i spoke simply as i held up my hand.

"holy hell how did you get this?" calum asked as he looked at my hand.

"i don't really want to say, but i'm fine don't worry." i smiled lightly.

he nodded slowly. "go wash it off."

i nodded and ran into the kitchen and washed the blood off.

i walked back into the living room and calum quickly wrapped my hand up.

"so you know how the other guys aren't down here right?" i spoke quietly.

"yep? why?" calum asked.

"i just wanted to say thank you. you saved me. if you didn't come up when you did i probably would have jumped." i whispered.

calum gave me a sympathetic look then brought me in for a hug. "of course bella. you're like family to me, i couldn't imagine losing you." he spoke.

i moved away and quickly grabbed the blanket, "i'm going to head upstairs and get ready to go see my mom." i spoke.

"okay love." calum smiled as he stood up.

i walked upstairs and quickly threw the blanket in the laundry and changed into some leggings and right before i put my shirt on i caught a glimpse of my cuts.

i missed it. the feeling of gliding something so sharp against your skin that it drew the beautiful color of red.

i didn't notice ashton walk over until he cleared his throat. i quickly pulled the shirt up to cover my bra and stared at him.

"what are you doing?" he asked.

"nothing." i spoke calmly.

"it's okay to miss the feeling you know. that makes you human. if you didn't i would be a little more concerned." he spoke softly.

"i just miss having a release. i don't know another way to release my emotions other than make myself bleed. isn't that terrible?" i chuckled as i threw my shirt on.

"not terrible at all. sure, it's not the best, but you can always learn how to cope with your emotions. that's what i'm here for." he smiled lightly.

i nodded and we walked downstairs together.

i saw the other boys standing around waiting.

"sorry i took so long." i spoke quickly.

"nope! don't worry about it. we were waiting on ashton too." luke smiled.

we walked outside and i quickly ran to the front seat and got inside.

michael quickly ran over and opened the door. he picked me up bridal style.

"nope not this time." he laughed as he put me down and got in himself.

"wow how rude." i joked,

"you'll get used to it." he smiled.

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