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"oh my gosh she was right, life is over." i spoke as i dropped to my knees.

"no no baby no. life isn't over you have so much more." ashton spoke as he bent down to look me in the eyes.

i shook my head and sobbed.

i saw calum bend down and pull me into a hug.

"i will tell you this again and again until the day that you die that you are loved and wanted." calum whispered.

i nodded into his chest while sobbing.

after a couple minutes i was finally calming down and luke and michael came walking in looking emotionally drained.

"she survived, but lost a lot of blood. we are going to monitor her overnight and possibly get her put into a psych hold." luke stated while motioning to ashton.

ashton looked over at me sympathetically, "i'm sorry to ask this right now, but has your mom exhibited any suicidal behavior or mental health struggles?"

"none. never. she was always so stable mentally." i whispered.

ashton nodded before excusing himself to go check on my mom.

after he left i looked up to see the three men in front of me, "you can go ahead and leave if you would like for the night. unless you have more work, i wouldn't want to be the reason you stayed."

"okay, come on then." calum smiled lightly.

"what? no i meant you guys. i have to stay here to make sure mom is okay." i mumbled.

"she won't be ready to talk for a while baby. at least not until tomorrow morning." michael spoke softly.

"i have to wait that long?" i mumbled.

"i'm sorry love, come on let's head to our house and we'll take you back tomorrow." calum replied as he led me out of the hospital doors to the car.

i don't remember what happened after that. i must've fallen asleep because i woke up the next morning in a bed.

i slowly stood up from the bed and walked downstairs to see ashton up and ready to go.

"aren't you usually the last one ready." i laughed lightly.

"usually, but todays an important day babe." ashton replied slowly.

i nodded somewhat understanding how hard today was going to be.

i saw calum walk downstairs and look at me with sympathy.

"the only thing i'm going to ask is if you can promise me you will stay strong and not relapse please baby." calum whispered.

i nodded slowly, "i promise i'll try, but not that i'll never relapse."

calum nodded and soon enough luke and michael came running downstairs.

"we've got to go." michael rushed as he grabbed an apple. "i have a surgery in 60 minutes."

we all rushed to the hospital and i went up with ashton to see my mom.

"wait out here, i'll see if she wants you here." ashton whispered.

i stayed behind the door and waited for ashton to either call me in or not.

"let her in." i heard mom speak weakly.

i slowly walked in and stood in the corner of the room.

"before you speak, can i speak ashton?" mom asked.

"depends." ashton spoke softly.

"i just want to tell her something. i don't want her to hear my eval, i just need to tell her something." mom whispered.

"okay." ashton spoke hesitantly.

"can i join?" i heard a voice ask at the door.

"the more people for her the better." mom spoke weakly motioning at calum.

i sat down in the chair with tears in my eyes preparing for the worst.

"i've signed over my rights as your guardian."

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