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"y-you did what?" i whispered as i stared at her.

luke and michael both walked in talking before noticing how tense the room was.

"great more people." mom spit out as she laid back.

michael left to leave the room because he could feel the tension when mom spoke up saying, "look, i already know i'm going to be spending a couple days in this hell hole, but then i'm going to leave the hospital against medical advice." she spoke staring at luke before continuing. "i don't want a kid to take care of. i have what a month or two left to even live my life to the fullest before i die. i want to spend it doing things i've never done before since i had you."

i just stared at her blankly before clearing my throat and nodding slowly.

"okay then."

"jenna, don't you think that's a little harsh?" luke spoke looking quite pissed.

"not at all, my life's been hell since i conceived her. i should've gotten an abortion when i had the chance." she laughed.

"fair enough." i replied completely drained.

"bella come on. you know your pissed. yell fucking scream i dare you." mom laughed as he stared at me.

"there's no point. nothing i say will ever change your mind about me." i chuckled as i left the room.

i heard calum get up and follow after me.

i walked into an empty room and broke down.

i felt two arms wrap around my shoulders and calum whispering, "you're okay."

ashton's pov

jenna disgusted me. she's disgusting for doing this to her daughter.

i saw michael and luke looking either pissed or uncomfortable because of what she had said.

"what? cant handle the truth. just run your fucking psych eval and let me go." jenna spoke coldly.

"of course." i spoke shortly as luke and michael left the room.

"have you ever had any thoughts of hurting yourself or committing suicide?" i asked.

"what do you think? i just tried to end my life. of course i have." jenna spit.

"you know what, i'm not qualified to give this eval because i'm biased. i'm going to grab one of my colleagues and see if they can do it." i spoke standing up abruptly before leaving.

the amount of dislike i had for jenna at this moment in time was bubbling over. she broke her daughters heart and trust and those are the two hardest things to build back in a person.

bella's pov

i sat down on the chair in the room and played with my sleeve.

i wanted to relapse.

i looked up at calum who was looking down at me and pointed to my arm.

"i want to relapse." i spoke softly.

calum's eyes immediately softened as he sat next to me on the chair.

"thank you for telling me." he whispered.

"i really really really need to relapse right now." i spoke as i went to roll up my sleeves.

calum gently put his hand on top of my arms and said, "no don't look. come on let's go for a walk."

i nodded and we stood up to go walk around.

after 15 minutes of talking and light laughter, calum's pager went off and he had to go help a patient.

i walked around until i got outside and sat on a bench. i pulled my knees up to my chest and closed my eyes.

this day felt like it was never going to end.

i felt the seat bend next to me and ashton sat down.

"so, i talked with your mom, she's sent calum the adoption papers. are you okay with that?" ashton spoke lightly.

"over a stranger hell yes."

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