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"we had this teenage girl come in with her mom who unfortunately ended up going into heart failure. this teenage girl was different though. she was super composed and mature for her age. there's no way any teenager wouldn't cry if they found out their mom could die. she's also really sketchy about her sleeves. i think she might be self harming." calum spoke slowly.

"wow.. you think or you know?" michael asked while giving ashton a side glance.

"well, we don't know for sure, but she definitely gives off all of the signs of someone who is struggling with self harm. we don't know her well enough to make an actual judgement call." ashton finished.

"well, we do though. i saw gauze under her sleeve on her left arm this morning when i ran into her."calum spoke slowly.

"hm, if that's true then a conversation needs to happen as soon as possible." i replied.

"i'll talk to her tomorrow, as long as i have someone else there." calum spoke quickly.

"i can't mate. i have back to back surgeries tomorrow." luke spoke.

"i can't either. i have sessions all day. i can probably check in with her when we leave, but i'm not available during the day." i spoke calmly.

"okay then, i guess it's you and i michael." calum smiled softly.

"hey! you didn't even let me say if i had time or not." michael complained. "plus i'm not good with conversations like this."

"i know you're free by your facial expression and i can't do it alone mate please?" calum asked.

michael sat still before slowly nodding.

we arrived at the house and we all went up into our rooms.

bella's pov

i woke up in the middle of the night to a nurse checking mom's IV.

"hey sweetie, go back to sleep. it's 3 am right now." she smiled lightly as she walked past me.

i stared at her blankly and slowly fell back asleep.

i woke up the next morning to luke stepping into the room.

"hey honey, just checking her vitals. she should wake up sometime today. i'll be back in to check in between surgeries." he smiled as he walked out of the room.

i stood up slowly and walked to the bathroom. i was exhausted.


i pulled up my sleeves and took the gauze off and saw all of the angry marks that covered my skin.

i grabbed a blade from inside my bag and made a couple more cuts.

i was hurting and tired and honestly didn't really want to be here anymore.

i washed out the cuts and wrapped my arm in gauze again before stepping out.

i saw calum and a doctor i didn't know sitting in the room waiting for me.

"um, who are you?" i asked staring at the unfamiliar doctor behind calum.

"my names michael. dr. michael clifford, i'm just tagging along with calum for a bit. i'm an orthopedic surgeon at the hospital here." he smiled.

i nodded and went to go sit down again.

"do you think i could have a word with you in my office?" asked calum.

i stared at him blankly. i already knew how this was going to go. they were going to ask about my self harm. i don't want to actually have to deal with it though.

"i'm okay. thanks though." i spoke as i stared at my phone.

"i'll be totally blunt with you bella. either you have a talk with me or i can go get a psychologist here at the hospital to run a psych eval on you." he spoke calmly.

"what the hell? why? i'm fine." i spoke with a glare.

"i don't believe you."

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