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"we're going to the beach!" calum announced randomly last night.

i'll be honest. the beach is my biggest fear. i absolutely hated the beach.

not just because i was super self conscious of all the scars i had, but because of all the sand and the seaweed. just gross.

i put on my bathing suit and immediately cringed at my reflection. i looked hideous.

i pulled on a long sleeved loose sun dress on top and walked downstairs.

i saw all of the boys standing there in just shorts and my jaw dropped.

"damn, i didn't know you guys were ripped? why in the world can't you all pull anyone." i joked as i walked around them to grab an apple.

"we can. we just choose not too." ashton chuckled as he grabbed the apple from me and handed me a plate instead.

"what's wrong with an apple?" i grumbled as i held up the plate.

"not fulfilling. you haven't driven long distance with me yet babe. i don't stop unless it's a 911 emergency." ashton laughed.

"an apple a day keeps the doctor away." i muttered under my breath before being stopped by calum.

"don't say that around him. it will only start a lecture that will never end." calum whispered as he walked away quickly.

"did you say something?" ashton asked with a slight intimidating glare.

"nope! nothing at all." i smiled at him.

he smiled back.

we all sat down and enjoyed breakfast before loading up in the car and heading to the beach.

it was only an hour drive, the boys made it seem like it was much further.

we arrived and as soon as we had our stuff down, luke and michael went running off into the water.

i sat down on the beach and pulled out a book i brought and began reading.

"i know you didn't come to the beach to just read a book." ashton spoke with an eye roll.

"maybe i did. i'll come in a bit." i smiled.

he nodded before running off behind michael and luke.

"wanna tell me why you really don't want to swim?" calum asked as he motioned for my book.

"do you want the deep answer or the not so deep one?" i muttered as i handed him the book.

"why not both." he shrugged.

i nodded and looked at the water.

"i'm self conscious of my scars. i know they are ugly and very visible, so i just cover them up whenever i can." i spoke softly.

i felt calum shift and sit up.

he gently grabbed my arm and rolled up my sleeve.

"these are nothing to be embarrassed about. they don't and shouldn't define who you are as a person." calum spoke as he ran his finger gently over a healed scar.

"yeah, i know, i just feel ugly." i sighed as i covered my face with my hands.

"bella hood. never say that again please. you're beautiful and if you could see the way we look at you i would be the happiest person in the world." calum spoke softly.

i nodded slightly.

"to change the topic, i hate sand and seaweed." i spoke as i scrunched my face up.

"you know what, so do i. that's why i never go into the water." he chuckled.

"father like daughter." i spoke with an eye roll.

i saw luke run up to us and say, "if you don't get in the water right now, i'll drag you."

"i'm coming." i spoke with an eye roll.

i took off my dress slowly to reveal my body. calum gave me a thumbs up before laying down.

i followed luke out to the ocean.

before i could step foot in the water a young lady came up to me.

"can i help you?" i asked.

"yeah, that man. is he your boyfriend?" she asked.

"no." i spoke simply.

"oh good, i was about to say. he's way above your standards.

"he's my uncle." i spoke with a smirk.

her smile immediately dropped.

"i was just kidding." she spoke with a laugh.

"bye." i waved as i walked away.

"i wouldn't want to be seen with a fucking cutter anyways." the lady spit as she turned around.

i picked up a huge piece of seaweed and chucked it at her head.

i heard a high pitched squeal before diving away laughing. servers her right.

as soon as i got up to the boys michael looked at me.

"why in the hell did you throw seaweed at her?" he asked.

"well, she was trying to hit on luke and thought i was dating him, said i was too low for his standards. i told her i was his niece she apologized. i told her bye, she called me a cutter. so i threw seaweed at her." i spoke innocently.

they all stared at me for a second before laughing.

"i couldn't be more proud."

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